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RUSADA hold meeting with ITA director general and prepare to visit Lausanne next week

  • Krasnoyarsk 2019

The Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) held a meeting with the International Testing Agency (ITA) director

The ITA are in charge of the delivery of an "effective" doping control programme in Krasnoyarsk, following

will coordinate sample collection during the Winter Universiade.The ITA are also providing two anti-doping

who will supervise all of the procedures conducted on the ground.Furthermore, the ITA are training 16 doping

their employees to visit the ITA office in Lausanne next week.This will coincide with the World Anti-Doping

in the global fight for clean sport.Several International Federations have since handed their anti-doping

Thailand keeps weightlifting World Championships despite self-imposed Olympic Games ban

  • Weightlifting

Thailand has agreed to ban itself from weightlifting because of its recent doping record and will miss

women who won gold medals there.Two of the eight are 2016 Olympic champions.Any nation suspended for doping

Championships, may also have been swayed by Thailand's willingness to suspend itself even before the doping

after Tokyo 2020 is under review because of what Thomas Bach, the IOC President, called a "massive doping

drugs ©Getty ImagesSince Bach made his comments in July 2017, the IWF has drawn up a tough new anti-doping

policy if they have three or more doping violations within a calendar year, and can also be banned for

Austrian skier who admitted to recent doping released but still a suspect

  • Skiing

Austrian cross-country skier Johannes Dürr, who admitted to recent doping, has been released from custody

Dürr, convicted of doping at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, made claims in an ARD documentary

dope in 2018.Despite his release from custody, he is still suspected of being an active figure in the doping

Dominik Baldauf were also arrested in Seefeld.Both claimed yesterday that Dürr recruited athletes for the doping

suspended by the FIS.Two Austrian cyclists, Stefan Denifl and Georg Preidler, then admitted to blood doping

and was suspended.In the ARD documentary, Dürr confessed he had doped in Germany.In the piece titled "Doping

WADA finish upload of Moscow Laboratory data and prepare to check for authenticity

  • News

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) says it has finished uploading the data it extracted from Moscow

24 terabytes of information collected from their visit to Moscow, which came amid the wider Russian doping

we will be in a position to proceed to the next phase and support the various sports and other anti-doping

condition set when WADA's Executive Committee controversially lifted the suspension of the Russian Anti-Doping

nbsp;RUSADA's three-year suspension began in November 2015 following allegations of state-sponsored doping

meeting two key re-compliance criteria - admission of the McLaren Report which outlined much of the doping

Valentín officially completes historic Olympic triple after finally receiving re-allocated gold medal from London 2012

  • Weightlifting

Spain's Lidia Valentín has officially made history as the first female weightlifter to medal at three Olympic Games, having been belatedly awarded the women's 75 kilograms gold from London 2012 at a ceremony in Madrid.

of clean athletes is a team effort, and in this case the team has included the IWF, WADA [World Anti-Doping

Following the IOC’s reanalysis of the Beijing 2008 and London 2012 samples, the IWF has redoubled its anti-doping

the widespread recommendations of the Independent Clean Sport Commission.Countries with multiple anti-doping

Austrian skier admits to recent doping as drugs investigation continues, reports claim

  • Skiing

Austrian cross-country skier Johannes Dürr has reportedly admitted to recent doping as an ongoing investigation

Dürr, who was convicted of doping at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, made claims in an ARD documentary

 Doping is viewed as a type of fraud under Austrian law due to the prize money and endorsements

skiing ©Getty ImagesTwo Austrian cyclists, Stefan Denifl and Georg Preidler, then admitted to blood doping

and was suspended.In the ARD documentary, Dürr confessed he had doped in Germany.In the piece titled "Doping

encouraging athletes to complete iLiftClean course at Youth World Championships as efforts to tackle doping

  • Weightlifting

The International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) is encouraging the athletes currently making their final preparations for the Youth World Championships to complete its iLiftClean e-learning course.

Education is a vital component of our anti-doping work at the IWF," IWF President Tamás Aján said."

is one that we have developed with many knowledgeable partners, including USADA [United States Anti-Doping

Agency] and WADA [World Anti-Doping Agency], and one that we are applying universally to make sure that

Agency (JADA) on its anti-doping education materials.JADA is considered as a potential National Anti-Doping

Last month, Adamfi said the recent spate of doping violations in weightlifting and the method of their

Alan Hubbard: A bridge too far when sport embraces the transgender trap

  • Inside the Blogs

Here we go again...another rheumy-eyed rant from an old codger moaning that Fings Ain’t Wot They Used T’be.

number one, no less.Norway's world number one-ranked bridge player Geir Helgemo has been banned for doping

After accepting he had breached anti-doping rules, Helgemo was suspended by the World Bridge Federation

It is his responsibility not to take substances that are on the doping list, even though in this instance

The WBF is recognised by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and as such abides by World Anti-Doping

Austrian whistle blower arrested in Innsbruck as part of doping investigation

  • Cross-Country

Austrian cross-country skier Johannes Dürr, convicted of doping at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi,

Dürr, whose revelations about blood doping in a recent ARD documentary sparked the raids carried out

released but Austrian newspaper Der Standard reported the 31-year-old was arrested on suspicion of doping

and had allegedly failed to cooperate with the investigation.Estonian Algo Kärp has also admitted to doping

last year's Winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang.Kärp, a cross-country skier, said he had begun blood doping

Nordic Ski World Championships.Georg Preidler was among two Austrian cyclists who admitted to blood doping

Kazakh biathlete has provisional IBU suspension lifted by CAS

  • Biathlon

effect by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) having been initially sanctioned as part of criminal doping

 Later, the Kazakh athletes implicated took tests to check for doping but they all produced negative

 There were also handwritten notes indicative of doping offences.

nbsp;The boxes also contained various accreditations for IBU events and were transferred to the Anti-Doping

which showed that the contents of the boxes belonged to the national team of Kazakhstan.The World Anti-Doping

Commonwealth Games Australia welcomes integrity initiatives

  • Commonwealth Games

Commonwealth Games Australia (CGA) has welcomed the announcement of Federal Government initiatives to further safeguard sport in the country.

to protect Australian sport.Sport Integrity Australia will bring together the Australian Sports Anti-Doping

national sports integrity functions of Sport Australia.A new National Sports Tribunal will hear anti-doping

help safeguard the integrity of Australian sport, combating present, emerging and future threats from doping

level - from grassroots to elite - that they can be confident their sport is better protected from doping