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Council of Europe approve Bańka as WADA President candidate

  • News

Europe has approved Polish Sports Minister Witold Bańka as the continent's candidate for World Anti-Doping

should then shadow the current administration prior to their appointment at the World Conference on Doping

athletes after building a reputation for herself as an outspoken anti-establishment figure in the anti-doping

Russian biathlete Vasilyeva facing ban after missing three drugs tests in 10 months

  • Biathlon

Russian biathlete Margarita Vasilyeva could be ruled out of the upcoming International Biathlon Union (IBU) World Championships after she missed three drugs tests in a 10-month period.

years.The Russian Biathlon Union, which remains a provisional member of the IBU following the country's doping

Instagram, Vasilyeva claimed she had issues with inputting her whereabouts information into the Anti-Doping

on Instagram ©InstagramMissing three scheduled tests within a 12-year period is considered an anti-doping

case.The Russian biathlon team has been consistently accused of widespread doping and an investigation

was launched by Austrian police into five Russian biathletes and five team officials for anti-doping

Anikina launches campaign to become permanent President of Russian Bobsleigh Federation

  • Bobsleigh and Skeleton

Interim Russian Bobsleigh Federation (RBF) President Elena Anikina has confirmed her intention to stand for the role on a permanent basis when the organisation elects a replacement for the banned Alexander Zubkov at an extraordinary meeting next month.

forward to succeed Zubkov, who temporarily stood down from the position until his two-year ban for doping

is currently the Interim RBF President after Alexander Zubkov was forced to step down because of his doping

Committee found him guilty of knowingly participating in the "systematic manipulation" of the anti-doping

Olympic silver medallist among 21 further Russians granted neutral status by IAAF

  • Athletics

Olympic long jump silver medallist Yelena Sokolova is among a further 21 Russians given permission to compete as neutrals in 2019, the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) has announced.

international competition for the first time since Russia was banned by the IAAF following the country's doping

drug-testing history.The IAAF's ban on Russia, first introduced in the wake of allegations of state-sponsored doping

Chinshanlo joins Ilyin by dropping out amid more glory for China at IWF World Cup

  • Weightlifting

On another world record breaking day for hosts China at the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) World Cup in Fuzhou, the punishing demands of the new Olympic qualifying programme led to Kazakhstan's Zulfiya Chinshanlo taking a rest from competition.

the IWF, with the sport under threat of being dropped from the Olympic Games schedule because of its doping

switched to an individual system for Tokyo 2020.Athletes must compete - and present themselves for anti-doping

ImagesThe important thing, as with Ilyin's two pull-outs, was that she was there to provide an anti-doping

China, in late April.Kazakhstan can send only one male and one female to Tokyo because of its past doping

places.Before competition started on day two of the World Cup, the IWF announced six new suspensions for doping

Russia looking to gain at all levels with debut hosting of FISU's Winter Universiade in Krasnoyarsk

  • The Big Read

Krasnoyarsk, host of the Winter Universiade that starts on Saturday (March 2), lies at the geographical centre of Siberia. As Russia hosts this event for the first time, it does so fully confident that there will be no need for artificial snow.

2014 - the country's sporting reputation has been severely damaged by the evidence of orchestrated doping

Games and which formed the basis of the McLaren Report put together at the behest of the World Anti-Doping

own Schmid Commission report found evidence of "unprecedented systematic manipulation" of the anti-doping

functions to the organisation.In Krasnoyarsk, the anti-doping programme includes tests to be conducted

As the home of global university sport, FISU has always invested great effort into anti-doping measures

Norway celebrate double skiathlon gold as Eisenbichler earns ski jumping crown at FIS Nordic World Ski Championships

  • Nordic Combined

Norway celebrated double skiathlon gold at the International Ski Federation Nordic World Ski Championships in Seefeld as Therese Johaug and Sjur Røthe emerged victorious.

Therese Johaug claimed her first world title since returning from her doping ban ©Getty ImagesThe women's

too strong for her rivals.Johaug has enjoyed a successful World Cup season following a return from a doping

Duncan Mackay: AIBA have produced 4,000 sheets of paper for IOC inquiry - but only one piece of paper matters and they don't have it

  • Inside the Blogs

Spread out on a large conference table in a room of the headquarters of the International Boxing Association (AIBA) in the Maison du Sport International located on the banks of Lake Geneva in Lausanne earlier this week were 4,000 pieces of paper, all neatly filed in piles marked under numbers from 1 to 41. 

topics ranging the sport's governance, financial management, integrity of its competitions and its anti-doping

Tretiakov and Nikitina extend overall skeleton leads at IBSF World Cup

  • Bobsleigh and Skeleton

Alexander Tretiakov of Russia extended his lead in the race for the overall men's skeleton title as he won the penultimate race of the season in Calgary.

competition of the season but could only manage fourth place today.The Russian, who was also banned for doping