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Paris Mayor Hidalgo confirms entry into French Presidential race

  • Paris 2024

has confirmed her candidacy in the French Presidential race, vowing to tackle class prejudices and climate

Humanity is experiencing unprecedented upheavals, the climate crisis, social crises, the health crisis

Hidalgo is standing on a platform titled "Our ideas in common", which includes vows to tackle climate

Douglas and Gleeson named athlete representatives for British bobsleigh teams

  • Bobsleigh and Skeleton

Montell Douglas and Nick Gleeson have been named as the British Bobsleigh and Skeleton Association’s (BBSA) athlete representatives for Britain’s bobsleigh teams for the forthcoming winter season.

want to be a true voice for the athletes and hope to make a difference that will impact the current climate

Catalonian President claims region could be independent by 2030 Winter Olympics

  • 2030 Olympics

The President of the Catalonian Government has claimed the 2030 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games - which Pyrenees-Barcelona is in the running to host - could be the first major sporting event where the region competes under its own flag.

the left of Catalan politics oppose the bid, citing concerns over the Games' viability in light of climate

Los Angeles Mayor claims partnership with fellow Olympic hosts can aid sustainable recovery

  • Los Angeles 2028

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti has claimed the city’s partnership with fellow Olympic hosts Tokyo and Paris can help to deliver a sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

proud to partner with Tokyo and Paris as host cities and leaders in accelerating bold action to fight climate

Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti agreed to collaborate on fighting climate

Games.The officials acknowledging the impact of the COVID-19 crisis and stressed the need to tackle climate

action" released following the meeting.Hidalgo and Garcetti previously attended a global summit on climate

was signed in 2017, with Paris 2024 and Los Angeles 2028 agreeing to collaborate in the fight against climate

Tokyo 2020 Olympics and Paralympics have provided "great courage and inspiration", says Tokyo Governor

  • Tokyo 2020

Yuriko Koike, Governor of Tokyo, says the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and Paralympics have provided "great courage and inspiration" to people in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. 

Meanwhile, Koike focused on climate change, claiming Tokyo 2020 aimed to help deliver a "sustainable

states that importance of a sustainable recovery from the pandemic, which goes beyond addressing the climate

Tokyo Metropolitan Government signs MoU with 2028 Olympic host City of Los Angeles

  • Tokyo 2020

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government and the City of Los Angeles have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) during the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games to maintain a working relationship in the build-up to Los Angeles 2028.

two cities will aim to create a "green and sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic".Tacking climate

with the City of Los Angeles under the terms of the MoU ©Getty ImagesIt also looks to respond to the climate

Road to Beijing 2022

  • Russia Sport pages

announced in December 2021 that 10 training camps had been opened, taking into account the Chinese climate

New £10 million bus station approved for Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games

  • Birmingham 2022

Plans have been approved for a new £10 million ($13.7 million/€11.6 million) bus station in Birmingham's Perry Barr in England prior to the 2022 Commonwealth Games.

help to show the leading role the West Midlands is playing in public transport investment to tackle climate

traffic congestion and give people an alternative to driving.It is hoped it will also help to tackle climate

Alan Hubbard: Despite the deprivations, Tokyo 2020 will be a hard act for Paris to follow

  • Inside the Blogs

The party’s over, as the song says, but Tokyo 2020 will not be calling it a day. Soon it will be time for Act Two of the smash hit Far East production, with a star cast of Paralympians waiting in the wings for their turn to go on stage.

where normally the chitchat would be of the latest aberrations of Boris and the Government, COVID or climate

Tokyo 2020 pledges net zero carbon emissions

  • Tokyo 2020

Tokyo 2020 organisers are targeting net zero carbon emissions from this year’s Olympic Games.

to no spectators being present in any venues in Tokyo.In January, the IOC said it planned to become climate

by 2024, with a target of reducing its emissions by 30 per cent, in line with the Paris Agreement on Climate

Change.In March, Paris 2024 organisers pledged to deliver the world’s first climate positive Olympic

positive", meaning carbon emissions must be reduced in line with the Paris Agreement on Climate Change

Climate change affects everybody on this planet," said Tokyo 2020 senior director for sustainability

Olympic host cities vow to tackle climate change as Tokyo and Paris make declaration

  • Tokyo 2020

Five Olympic and Paralympic host cities have vowed to "immediately address the climate emergency" in

Los Angeles and Paris acknowledges the impact of the COVID-19 crisis but stresses the need to tackle climate

We must also not forget to deal with the climate crisis that is endangering the future of humanity."

Under the slogan, 'Time to Act', we must immediately address the climate emergency!"

from the crisis, both in achieving a sustainable society that respects diversity, and in combating the climate