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International Sambo Federation invites sambists to attend series of anti-doping webinars

  • Sambo

The International Sambo Federation (FIAS) has invited sambists to join a series of online anti-doping

International Testing Agency (ITA), which conducts FIAS’ testing programmes, and in and out-of-competition doping

controls.The webinars cover an introduction to anti-doping, the doping control process, medications,

principles and values of clean sport and out-of-competition testing.Out-of-competition testing and the doping

All athletes and entourage members have to understand the anti-doping system and the rules that apply

NCAA panel calls for removal of cannabis from banned drugs list

  • Universiade

The National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA) has been urged to remove marijuana from its list of banned substances and testing protocols.

Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports (CSMAS) has called for the move.Cannabis' place on the World Anti-Doping

CAS sets September dates for WADA, RUSADA, ISU and Valieva case

  • Figure Skating

The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) is set to hear the appeals from the World Anti-Doping Agency

(WADA), Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA), International Skating Union (ISU) and Russian figure skater

for the singles title but insidethegames then exclusively revealed that she was at the centre of a doping

Palau National Olympic Committee renews cooperation agreement with Chinese Taipei

  • ONOC

The Palau National Olympic Committee (PNOC) has signed a bilateral cooperation agreement with the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee (CTOC) to re-affirm their commitment to sports exchanges and collaboration.

wide range of collaborative areas, including sports exchange, staff exchange, medical science, anti-doping

European Games anti-doping programme details revealed with aim to collect 1,200 samples

  • Kraków 2023

The International Testing Agency (ITA) is aiming to collect 1,200 samples during doping control at this

year's European Games here, while the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has revealed its athlete engagement

set to mark the second edition of the European Games where the ITA has managed an independent anti-doping

Agency (POLADA) to deliver its programme, with more than 30 doping control stations positioned across

the 13 host cities and towns and an anti-doping workforce of more than 260 personnel.This includes 17

Polish doping control officers and more than 40 from 19 other European countries.POLADA is set to manage

this workforce, and an agreement with the French Anti-Doping Agency has allowed French anti-doping officials

Term of World Anti-Doping Agency President set for extension to nine-years

  • Latest

The President of the World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) could now lead the organisation for up to nine years

Canadian IOC member Richard Pound was the founding head of the World Anti-Doping Agency, who served between

were elected in March.They will be formally inducted alongside two members from WADA’s National Anti Doping

The President of the World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) could now lead the organisation for up to nine years

Belarus to host Cuban weightlifters after success for the team in grey in Havana

  • Weightlifting

They may have been dressed entirely in grey but there was nothing dull about the weightlifting team of Individual Neutral Athletes (AIN) from Belarus, who had a successful visit here for the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) Grand Prix that ended last night.

September.Tsikhantsou was one of the two Belarus athletes to lift in Tokyo, where their quota was cut because of past doping

Tougher doping rules and penalties for no-shows among latest weightlifting reforms

  • Weightlifting

The International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) has tightened up its anti-doping rules and clamped down

President Thomas Bach when his Executive Board dropped weightlifting for LA2028 in December 2021.News of doping

Handing over its entire anti-doping programme to the International Testing Agency (ITA) was a big step

tests could not be taken by the IWF or any anti-doping organisation instructed by the IWF".

Countries must pay in advance for accommodation, anti-doping fees and everything else.

While doping and no-shows are bad news, there have been signs of a culture change in other areas such

IWF signs up with Cuban university as weightlifting academy plans take shape

  • Weightlifting

Academies that can play a big role in changing the culture of weightlifting are springing up around the world.

athletes, holding specialist seminars and "all heading in one direction, towards science and away from doping

modern IWF we must be more scientific, we must change the culture of some coaches who believe only in doping

French Anti-Doping Agency to increase operations during Paris 2024 build-up

  • Paris 2024

The French Anti-Doping Agency (AFLD) will be rapidly expanding its operations as the Paris 2024 Olympic

10,000 mark in a year.Three hundred more sample collectors will be needed as well as additional anti-doping

educators.The AFLD will also be working closely with the International Testing Agency which will run the anti-doping

programme at Paris 2024.This will include providing the majority of the doping control officers needed

Paralympic Games alongside sports institutions, in order to ensure a comprehensive and robust anti-doping

ITA begins training for Paris 2024 doping control officers

  • Paris 2024

The International Testing Agency (ITA) has organised training for doping control officers (DCOs) at the

The French Anti-Doping Agency (AFLD) is expected to provide the majority of DCOs for Paris 2024, but

Games requires increased numbers of personnel.DCOs who took part in the ITA's special edition of its doping

Games.The training course represents the first stage of training for selected candidates, and covers anti-doping

control officer training programme is a requirement for DCOs joining the anti-doping team at Paris 2024

operations at next year's Olympics.The ITA also managed independent anti-doping programmes on behalf