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Brian Oliver: Outrage against North Korea is justified but are weightlifting leaders to blame?

  • Inside the Blogs

In the past decade weightlifting has had its share of doping, corruption and transgender scandals and

The IWF immediately informed the anti-doping authorities and took legal advice.There was no rule to stop

other International Federations.The International Testing Agency (ITA), which carries out all anti-doping

that is effectively closed to the rest of the world.About a third of the IWF’s budget goes on anti-doping

North Korea's Kim Un Guk, London 2012 Olympic champion and world record holder, was banned for doping

access to international Doping Control Officers, is not within the realm of the IWF’s control."

IWF sends message to North Korea: change your ways or you risk missing Paris 2024

  • Weightlifting

qualifying for Paris 2024 by saying it was unable to exclude them, and issuing an ultimatum over anti-doping

Matt Sicchio all questioned the presence of athletes who have not been tested or monitored by anti-doping

at least to the end of 2023, said the International Testing Agency (ITA), which carries out all anti-doping

Moreover, the establishment of a compliant anti-doping programme in PRK, including granting access to

international Doping Control Officers is not within the realm of the IWF’s control."

The IWF notes that the PRK’s NADO has been declared non-compliant by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA

Olympic weightlifting champion and top coach unhappy with North Korea Paris 2024 "catastrophe"

  • Weightlifting

Confirmation of North Korea’s presence in the Paris 2024 qualifying programme was described as "the worst thing that has happened in weightlifting for 20 or 30 years" by one of the sport’s most renowned coaches.

Weightlifting Federation (IWF) Hall of Fame, said the news was "a catastrophe" that makes the anti-doping

I hope the IWF Anti-Doping Commission will make the necessary effort to ensure equity."

Even with the slight improvement weightlifting has made in the last year regarding anti-doping, I still

Agency, the ITA and all other doping control agencies," said Coffa."

North Korea is allowed to compete without having been controlled for doping in three to four years."

Chinese State Councillor inspects Hangzhou 2022 preparations

  • Hangzhou 2022

Chinese State Councillor Shen Yiqin has inspected several venues for this year's delayed 2022 Asian Games and Asian Para Games in Hangzhou, including the event operation headquarters.

combining accommodation for athletes, media and technical officials.She additionally travelled to the anti-doping

World record holder among 14 North Korean weightlifters confirmed for Paris 2024 qualifying

  • Weightlifting

North Korean weightlifters, who have not competed or been tested by anti-doping authorities since 2019

73kg, Oh Kum-thaek, does not appear on the IWF results database and may never have been tested by anti-doping

Kate Vibert from the United States.The International Testing Agency (ITA), which carries out all anti-doping

independent testers from other countries have been unable to gain entry, North Korea’s own National Anti-Doping

Organisation has been deemed “non-compliant” by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) since October 2021

Olympic Committee rule covering nations who "disappear" for long periods, and then comply with short-term doping

More than two thirds of Britons say they would report doping suspicions to UKAD

  • Latest

A survey conducted on behalf of UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) has found that 69 per cent of British people say

"they care enough" to report doping-related suspicions of an athlete or their support staff to the organisation

playing true," said UKAD chief executive Jane Rumble.View this post on InstagramA post shared by UK Anti-Doping

support personnel is critical in supporting athletes to make the right decisions and this includes anti-doping

and UKAD Athletes' Commission chair Nicola Philips will be taking to Instagram to discuss her anti-doping

Lyles almost catches Coleman in wind-aided 100m at gusty USATF meeting in Bermuda

  • Athletics

Christian Coleman of the United States ran a wind-assisted 9.78sec to win the 100 metres at the USATF meeting in Bermuda - but only just got to the line before the super-fast finishing Noah Lyles arrived to clock 9.80.

way in which he gained on the smaller man who won the world 100m in 2019 before being banned for a doping-related

Russia out of Paris 2024 weightlifting after missing deadline to meet qualifying conditions

  • Weightlifting

Russian weightlifters will not take part in the qualifying programme for next year's Olympic Games in Paris, the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) announced today.

 For every doping violation closed by the International Testing Agency (ITA), which carries out

all anti-doping procedures for the IWF, a fine of $5,000 (£4,000/€4,600) is payable to the IWF.At London

Tatiana Kashirina’s silver - has been forfeited ©Getty ImagesThe long-running investigation into historic doping

in Russia by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), focusing on the Moscow Laboratory, has so far led

at the top of which there are still people who formed the active core of the old rotten corruption-doping

WADA reveals over 200 Russian athletes now been sanctioned in Moscow Laboratory probe

  • Olympics

More than 200 Russian athletes have been sanctioned as part of the World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA)

WADA has announced that the number of sanctions issued by Anti-Doping Organisations (ADO) based on data

I would also like to thank the International Federations and other Anti-Doping Organisations that have

 "Operation LIMS has required significant operational cooperation from Anti-Doping Organizations

 "The success of this operation is due in large part to the investment that WADA and the anti-doping

©Getty ImagesThe Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) remains non-compliant with the World Anti-Doping

Egypt's Elsayed signs off with record at African Weightlifting Championships

  • Weightlifting

Egypt won three more titles at the African Weightlifting Championships in Tunis, including both the men's and women's super-heavyweights, to round off a week when their top athletes boosted their standings in Olympic qualifying.

then bombed out with five straight no-lifts.Elsayed, who competed at Beijing 2008 and took a long, doping-related

EOC to appoint "paid chief executive", says President Capralos

  • EOC

The European Olympic Committees (EOC) is to appoint  a "paid chief executive", the EOC President Spyros Capralos has told his Executive Committee in Paris.

his report, the EOC secretary general, Raffaele Pagnozzi, told the committee that the World Anti-Doping