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Russian world and European canoe medallists suspended by ITA

  • Canoeing

Four-times world medallist and 2011 European champion Natalya Lobova is among three Russian canoe athletes suspended by the International Testing Agency (ITA).

Arakcheeva and Vitaly Yurchenko - who has won one European and two world medals - are suspected of anti-doping

rule violations based on data from the Moscow Anti-Doping Laboratory (LIMS), TASS, the official Russian

Water Junior Championships.LIMS recorded the actions related to the results of testing athletes for doping

for the period from 2012 to 2015.In January 2019, the data was transferred to the World Anti-Doping

Agency (WADA), but the latter organisation said it had been manipulated in order to hide doping violations.The

Olympic champion Silnov decides against doping ban appeal

  • Athletics

Beijing 2008 gold medallist Andrei Silnov has decided not to appeal the extension of his doping ban as

Andrei Silnov was indicted following an investigation into Russian doping for the World Anti-Doping Agency

thrower Oksana Kondratyeva.The AIU said all four cases were based on an investigation into Russian doping

for the World Anti-Doping Agency presented in 2016 by Canadian lawyer Richard McLaren.

Klokov among five Russian weightlifters banned for 2012 offences

  • Weightlifting

Five retired Russian weightlifters, three of whom lost Olympic silver medals at London 2012 because of doping

2012, based on evidence taken from the Moscow Laboratory during an investigation into state-sponsored doping

Zabolotnaya had already been stripped of the Olympic silver medal she had won at London 2012 because of doping

 She last competed in 2015.The International Testing Agency (ITA), which conducts all anti-doping

Janeiro and was restricted to two quota places at the delayed Tokyo 2020 Games because of its historic doping

Exclusive: Weightlifting powerless to stop North Koreans joining Paris 2024 qualifying

  • Weightlifting

North Korea is joining the qualifying programme for weightlifting at next year’s Olympic Games in Paris after an absence from the sport of nearly three and a half years.

During that time its athletes have not been subjected to the same level of anti-doping tests as others

2023, according to a statement by the International Testing Agency (ITA), which carries out all anti-doping

Suppose some lifters turn up with a huge doping-enhanced result in Cuba without any prior testing."

We also note that the PRK National Anti-Doping Organisation, with which the ITA does not collaborate

Convention and the World Anti-Doping Code."

Weightlifters from Russia and Belarus can join Paris 2024 qualifying after IWF vote

  • Weightlifting

Weightlifting has become the latest sport to welcome neutral athletes from Russia and Belarus into its Paris 2024 qualifying programme.

event after the IWF’s decision, although it faces an outright ban from Paris anyway because of multiple doping

Tokyo 2020 Games for reasons beyond her control.Russia was banned outright from Rio because of multiple doping

violations, and Kashirina was provisionally suspended at the time of the Tokyo Games for an historic doping

fourth in the men’s 109kg.Belarus was also restricted to two athletes in Tokyo because of multiple doping

WADA rules RUSADA still non-compliant despite Putin's latest motion

  • Latest

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has ruled that the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) remains non-compliant

with the World Anti-Doping Code in its latest inspection of the body.

The Russian Anti-Doping Agency remains non-compliant," WADA told insidethegames."

 Vladimir Putin recently signed a bill that allows RUSADA to approve national anti-doping rules

sports in December 2019 after it was found guilty of trying to cover up the earlier state-sponsored doping

The activities of RUSADA are governed by the All-Russian Anti-Doping Rules, which, in turn, are fully

consistent with the provisions of the World Anti-Doping Code."


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USADA hail conviction of Texas therapist for supplying athletes with banned drugs under Rodchenkov Anti-Doping

  • Athletics

United States Anti Doping Agency (USADA) chief executive Travis Tygart has welcomed the guilty plea from

clean athletes" after he became the first person convicted under the controversial Rodchenkov Anti-Doping

defendant to be charged under the Act, signed into law in 2020 following revelations of state sponsored doping

programmes by Russia and named after Grigory Rodchenkov, the former head of the World Anti-Doping Agency

his conspiracy to defraud the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games because he did not fall under any sport anti-doping

jumper Sabina Allen was the first athlete to receive a ban since the introduction of the Rodchenkov Anti-Doping

China and Thailand get Asian Weightlifting Championships off to top-quality start

  • Weightlifting

China's Jiang Huihua just failed with a world record attempt and Thailand won its first continental title in six years on day one of the Asian Weightlifting Championships here.

Championships.Pramongkhol has also changed her forename: as Chayuttra she was one of the nine Thai lifters disqualified for doping