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Swimmer Pini elected chair of WADA Athlete Council

  • Latest

Swimmer Ryan Pini of Papua New Guinea has been elected as the chair of the World Anti-Doping Agency (

a Para athlete, and this position went to Irish Para canoeist Patrick O’Leary.WADA’s National Anti-Doping

been elected as vice-chair of WADA's Athlete Council ©Getty ImagesKim Kum-pyoung of the Korea Anti-Doping

Agency has been elected as chair of the NADO EAG, with Michael Cepic of the National Anti-Doping Agency

the table and benefiting from their valuable insight as we lead our global collaborative mission for doping-free

Rugby league player Spiers banned for three years after anti-doping violation

  • Non-Olympic Sports

league player Russell Spiers has been banned from all sport for a period of three years by UK Anti-Doping

subsequently returned an Adverse Analytical Finding (AAF) for boldenone which is on the World Anti-Doping

from that date.UKAD then charged the 31-year-old and he responded within 20 days to admit the anti-doping

with ADR Article 10.8.1.The article states that a one-year reduction can be applied for certain anti-doping

Svishchev welcomes reinstatement of Russia by World Athletics but warns fight continues

  • Athletics

The chair of Russia's State Duma Committee on Physical Culture and Sports Dmitry Svishchev has congratulated the Russian Athletics Federation (RusAF) on its reinstatement, but insisted "there is no need to relax" because of an ongoing ban on its athletes due to the war in Ukraine.

yesterday restored the RusAF's membership for the first time since 2015 following the state-sponsored doping

World Athletics bars transgender athletes, reinstates RusAF but retains Russia ban

  • Athletics

The World Athletics Council has today barred transgender athletes from women's competition, altered DSD athlete regulations, reinstated the Russian Athletics Federation (RusAF) following seven years of suspension - and retained the ban on  Russian and Belarusian athletes and officials.

"special conditions" in place to be reviewed over three years, intended to ensure that RusAF’s anti-doping

Athletics Federation has been reinstated after a seven-year suspension following the resolution of doping

Colombia weightlifting team out of Pan American Championships after cash dispute

  • Weightlifting

Colombia, the strongest team entered in the Pan American Weightlifting Championships, has withdrawn two days before the event starts because of a dispute over "cash only" payments.

portion of their fees by bank transfer.Registration costs are $125 (£100/€115) plus a $100 (£80/€90) anti-doping

IIHF extends Russia and Belarus ban to next year's World Championships

  • Ice Hockey

The International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) has extended a ban on Russia and Belarus from its World Championship events through to next season, citing safety reasons.

pro-Russian remarks and was a critic of sanctions imposed on the nation in response to the state-sponsored doping

David Miller: The IOC cannot ameliorate Russia's war crimes through the gesture of sport

  • Inside the Blogs

In Britain, there is no cynical visit to the heart-rending grave of Sarah Everard by police rapist-murderer Wayne Couzens, as outrageously perpetrated by mass murderer Vladimir Putin of mothers and children in Ukraine's ravaged city-wide cemetery of Mariupol.  

 The redoubtable German has ridden a string of crises: Russia's doping scandal of Sochi 2014, the

POLADA to carry out Kraków-Małopolska 2023 anti-doping programme in its "biggest undertaking ever"

  • Kraków 2023

The Polish Anti-Doping Agency (POLADA) is set to carry out the anti-doping operation at the Kraków-Małopolska

As a result, the national anti-doping organisation (NADO) will be responsible for the preparation of

For the Polish Anti-Doping Agency, this is the biggest undertaking ever," said POLADA director Michał

It is important to realise that collecting 1,200 samples is an annual plan for some national anti-doping

This is because the ITA will be responsible for preparing the entire anti-doping programme in Kraków

It will be up to its decision who and how the anti-doping controllers will check."

New Zealand runner Robertson banned for eight years for doping and false defence

  • ONOC

Zane Robertson, a distance runner for New Zealand, has been banned for eight years after testing positive for EPO and submitting false documents in his defence.

We condemn all forms of doping.

in our sport and as a supporter of the World Anti-Doping Code, we reiterate our strict anti-doping

We provide anti-doping education via our national anti-doping organisation, DFSNZ, and we fully support

Doping denies clean athletes the chance to excel on a level playing field," said Paterson.

deter doping and hold dopers to account, wherever they may be."

Proposed Paris 2024 security measures “draconian”, claim French opposition parties

  • Paris 2024

Opposition parties in the French National Assembly are arguing about what they call “draconian” security measures due to be put in place as part of the new Olympic security law which will is due to be voted upon next Tuesday (March 28).

penalties in the event of intrusion into an enclosure, genetic tests in order to comply with world anti-doping

"Life ban" weightlifting coach returns for Saudi Arabia - and Iran appoints Olympic champion

  • Weightlifting

Saudi Arabia and Iran have both appointed new national head coaches as their weightlifting teams prepare for the Asian Championships in Jinju, Korea next month.

London 2012 Olympic champion Navab Nasirshelal.Korany said he was "offered up as a scapegoat" for a doping

kilograms champion after the original "winner" Oleksiy Torokhtiy from Ukraine was disqualified for doping