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WADA President Bańka urges UNESCO to develop anti-doping framework

  • Latest

World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) President Witold Bańka has called on the United Nations Education Science

and Culture Organization (UNESCO) to strengthen its International Convention Against Doping in Sport

He hopes it will hold Governments with weak anti-doping policies to account in the same way that athletes

and anti-doping organisations are under the World Anti-Doping Code.Bańka revealed this at the 2023 WADA

Even Russia has remained a compliant state party despite WADA revealing an extensive institutionalised doping

View this post on InstagramA post shared by World Anti-Doping Agency (@wada_ama)The Convention was adopted

What we have to do now as a global anti-doping community is to keep raising the game for athletes."

Exclusive: Matytsin term as FISU President could be extended until 2025 if resolution adopted

  • Universiade

The International University Sports Federation (FISU) is set to hold an Extraordinary General Assembly tomorrow, to decide whether to extend the term of its Executive Committee, including President Oleg Matytsin, until 2025.

March 2021, in line with sanctions against Russia in response to the cover-up of a state-sponsored doping

officials were banned from holding positions at organisations which are signatories to the World Anti-Doping

Code, which FISU is.The World Anti-Doping Agency sanctions, reduced by the Court of Arbitration for

Russian Sports Minister Matytsin makes "courtesy visit" to meet IOA President Usha

  • OCA

Indian Olympic Association (IOA) President PT Usha has met with Russian Sports Minister Oleg Matytsin as the nation is gearing up to host the International Boxing Association (IBA) Women's World Championships.  

to Delhi for the eighth session of the Conference of Parties to the International Convention against Doping

Three insidethegames journalists nominated for 2022 AIPS Awards

  • Latest

The International Sport Press Association (AIPS) has nominated three stories by insidethegames for its 2022 Sport Media Awards.

senior reporter at insidethegames, was nominated for his blog on Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva's doping

insidethegames ©ITGMackay and Pavitt worked together as insidethegames exclusively broke the biggest doping

Russian at the Winter Olympics and the impact it had on the country since the Sochi 2014 state-sponsored doping

IWF plans tighter control measures on coaches and may give them seat on Board

  • Weightlifting

The International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) is planning to keep closer checks on coaches as part of its effort to win back favour from the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

scheme comes into operation after the Paris 2024 Olympic Games and will be held more responsible for doping

coaches in Halmstad, via a video link, "Coaches must understand that in future if there is a problem with doping

If there is a doping problem we can withdraw certification."

Coaches help weightlifting take another step towards its goal of Olympic redemption

  • The Big Read

A group of 76 people with, at a conservative estimate, well over 2,000 years of experience in weightlifting gathered in Sweden this weekend to help their sport take another step "in a new direction".

in September.It is expected to have a profound effect.Coaches will take far more responsibility for doping

Under the WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) Code it is mandatory for the IWF, as a signatory, to provide

Education is the way to beat doping, a new culture is the way, not always expensive testing."

The message from the International Testing Agency (ITA), which carries out all anti-doping procedures

should be education, not doping control."

FEI legal counsel appointed WADA's first athletes' anti-doping ombuds

  • News

International Equestrian Federation (FEI) legal counsel Anna Thorstenson has been appointed as the World Anti-Doping

Agency's (WADA) first athletes' anti-doping ombuds.

including the provision of cost-free, neutral and fair advice to athletes relating to the World Anti-Doping

contact with the WADA Athlete Council.Swedish official Thorstenson has worked in the field of anti-doping

legal counsel since 2016, and believes the WADA athletes' ombuds "meets a critical need of the anti-doping

The new Athletes’ Anti-Doping Ombuds Programme meets a critical need of the anti-doping community."

I am confident that my knowledge of and experience in anti-doping makes me well-positioned to meet this

Athletics New Zealand pledges to step up drug testing after more than 50 per cent drop in 2022

  • Athletics

Athletics New Zealand was asked to explain insufficient drug testing on its athletes last year by the Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU), it has been revealed.

Drug Free Sport New Zealand (DFSNZ), the county's National Anti-Doping, conducted less than half its

additional monitoring.The AIU declined to comment on the New Zealand situation.World Athletics' anti-doping

Former IOC member Bokel warns FIE decision to let Russia compete set to be repeated in other sports

  • Fencing

German Fencing Federation President and former International Olympic Committee (IOC) member Claudia Bokel has claimed that "geopolitics" influenced the International Fencing Federation's (FIE) decision to allow Russian and Belarusian athletes to return to its competitions.

the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro following revelations about the country's state-sponsored doping

of yesterday's Extraordinary Congress.Russian athletes, competing under the ROC banner due to anti-doping

USADA implements new paperless anti-doping system to avoid human error

  • Latest

A new paperless technology is to be implemented by the United States Anti-Doping (USADA) in a bid to

athletes while also ensuring the highest levels of security and the absolute integrity of the anti-doping

The strategic implementation of MODOC illustrates our commitment to being the gold-standard in anti-doping

USADA claimed MODOC would help to reduce the potential for human error by streamlining anti-doping procedures

have praised the ease of use of the system.USADA said MODOC allows for a "more straightforward anti-doping

a platform that will bring new levels of efficiency, security, and athlete satisfaction to the anti-doping

WADA pleased after court confirms five-year prison sentence for Papa Massata Diack

  • Athletics

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has hailed the decision by a Court of Appeal in Paris to confirm

World Athletics - was convicted in September 2020 in a case related to the Russian state-sponsored doping

convicted of accepting €3.2 million ($3.8 million/£2.75 million) in bribes from athletes suspected of doping

"Weightlifting war" finally ends - now Bulgaria wants to host World Championships

  • Weightlifting

A two-year "weightlifting war" in Bulgaria is finally over and a federation that was said to be "lost in space" can start a rebuilding process.

That is another huge task, given Bulgaria’s involvement in doping in the past.Bulgaria was sent home

from or banned from the Olympic Games four times between 1988 and 2016 because of doping, which has been

but he forfeited a silver medal when the Bulgarian team was sent home from Sydney 2000 because of a doping

Russia return branded "outrageous" by Ukraine’s federations in appeal to IOC

  • Olympics

The Presidents of Ukraine’s Olympic federations have slammed a move to allow Russian and Belarusian athletes to return to the global sporting stage as "outrageous" as they aim to increase the pressure on the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to keep restrictions in place.

Charter", meaning they have not actively supported the war in Ukraine and comply with the World Anti-Doping

Russian Paralympic Committee collaborates with FIAS to develop rules for blind sambo athletes

  • Paralympics

Russian Paralympic Committee (RPC) leaders, led by chairman for the Athletes with Disabilities Commission Roman Novikov, partnered with the International Sambo Federation (FIAS) to create rules and classify the visually impaired competitors into groups.

his regards to RPC President Pavel Rozhkov and the President of the RPC Commission on medicine, anti-doping