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1476 results Showing results 811 to 825

Paris 2024 establish fund to finance legacy projects for Olympic and Paralympic Games

  • Paris 2024

Paris 2024 has established an endowment fund which, they claim, will help to finance legacy projects for the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Action initiative after meeting Niclas Svenningsen, manager of Global Climate Action ©Paris 2024Estanguet

also met with Niclas Svenningsen, manager of Global Climate Action at United Nations Framework Convention

on Climate Change (UNFCCC).They signed a Sport for Climate Action initiative, which fulfilled a pledge

consumer habits, and supporting climate action."

 "Today we are restating our goal in conjunction with the UNFCCC by signing the Sports for Climate

Mike Rowbottom: Women increasingly in the frame as snooker lines up another shot at Olympic inclusion

  • Inside the Blogs

As snooker lines up for another shot at becoming an Olympic sport - three years after failing to secure a place at the Tokyo 2020 Games - its hopes of finding favour with organisers of Paris 2024 are rising in proportion to increasing levels of participation.

And she was operating in a climate where the possibilities of women breaking through to the highest levels

Work begins to turn Water Cube into "Ice Cube" for Beijing 2022

  • Beijing 2022

Work has begun to transform China's National Aquatics Centre, otherwise known as the "Water Cube", into the "Ice Cube" for the 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games in Beijing.

A climate monitoring system will also be installed into the arena to monitor the temperature, humidity

Philip Barker: The 150 year anniversary of a race which could have started student competition

  • Inside the Blogs

Next year the Universiade will head to both Krasnoyarsk and Naples to celebrate the 60th anniversary of a worldwide event under the control of the International University Sport Federation (FISU). But 2019 will also mark 150 years since a race which could be said to have launched international student competition.

Magazine by race starter William Blaikie of Havard suggested that "for the first ten days, the change of climate

Rugby League World Cup 2021 pledges support to UN Sports for Climate Action Framework

  • Non-Olympic Sports

The Rugby League World Cup 2021 has pledged its support to the UN Sports for Climate Action Framework

League World Cup 2021 is one of 17 initial signatories to the Framework launched last week at the UN Climate

Framework looks to achieve the unification of the global sports community to raise awareness and fight climate

We recognise the impact of sport on the climate and we’re willing to do whatever we can to ensure that

Tokyo 2020 set to be pilot project for new climate action initiative launched with support of IOC

  • Tokyo 2020

The International Olympic Committee has taken up a leadership role within the "Sports for Climate

Action Initiative", a new programme established by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate

Addressing climate change is everyone’s responsibility, and the IOC treats it very seriously - as an

As countries here in Katowice prepare to turn their climate commitments into reality, we stand ready

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

The Sports for Climate Action Framework calls on the sports world to develop a climate action agenda

for climate action through communication.Sport is already being heavily impacted by climate change.Unreliable

Ingmar De Vos - the irresistible rise of an expert administrator

  • The Big Read

Often when I meet those who have scrambled to the top of international sport's greasy pole, I conclude that they are politicians first and administrators second.

In the three Olympic disciplines we had great sport…"Weather conditions of course - is it climate change

important sport in the Middle East, but the season in the Middle East is very limited because of the climate

Stratos Safioleas: A winning strategy for the Olympic Movement

  • Inside the Blogs

The demise of the Calgary 2026 bid was one more heartbreaking result in a long series of recent similar electoral defeats where voters rejected the idea of hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The international cooperation for climate change, for migration and for economic development is under

Billionaire Gates launches development partnership with Tokyo 2020

  • Tokyo 2020

Bill Gates has announced that he plans to join with the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games Organising Committee to further the aims of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

There are 17 SDGs in all, with targets related to issues such as poverty, hunger and climate change.Gates