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Boost for netball's Olympic bid

  • Archive News

 JULY 21 - NETBALL'S growing campaign to get onto the Olympic programme has been offered a boost from a surprise source.

” Pau said: “When I grew up in New Zealand I played quite a bit of netball and it’s

Report into future of rugby puts Olympics top of agenda

  • Archive News

  JULY 28 - GETTING rugby sevens into the Olympics is one of the key recommendations of a new report

Quentin Smith - chairman of English Premiership club Sale - the report cited the decision to award New

Zealand the right to host the 2011 World Cup over Japan as an example of how rugby is failing to take

While football and American football have moved into new regions soccer's rugby's support has remained

from the eight so-called foundation countries - England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, France, Australia, New

Zealand and South Africa.  

Report into future of rugby puts Olympics top of agenda

  • Rugby Sevens

  JULY 28 - GETTING rugby sevens into the Olympics is one of the key recommendations of a new report

Quentin Smith - chairman of English Premiership club Sale - the report cited the decision to award New

Zealand the right to host the 2011 World Cup over Japan as an example of how rugby is failing to take

While football and American football have moved into new regions soccer's rugby's support has remained

from the eight so-called foundation countries - England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, France, Australia, New

Zealand and South Africa.  

Rugby steps up campaign to get back into Olympics

  • Archive News

 JUNE 25 - RUGBY is hoping that the publication of a new brochure celebrating the links between it and

A new brochure, Impact, has been published by the International Rugby Board (IRB) which celebrates these

"To give nations such as Fiji, New Zealand, Kenya and Argentina new chances to experience all the inspirational

Rugby steps up campaign to get back into Olympics

  • Rugby Sevens

 JUNE 25 - RUGBY is hoping that the publication of a new brochure celebrating the links between it and

A new brochure, Impact, has been published by the International Rugby Board (IRB) which celebrates these

"To give nations such as Fiji, New Zealand, Kenya and Argentina new chances to experience all the inspirational

Britain will be harmed by quest for 2012 medals, warns former Sport England chief executive

  • Archive News

  AUGUST 30 - BRITAIN'S obsession with winning medals at the 2012 Olympics is at the expense of the development of grassroots sport, a former chief executive of Sport England claimed today.

  David Moffett made his allegation in a newspaper article published in New Zealand.  

Moffett was congratulating New Zealand's Olympic team on their performances in Beijing but warned that

"At the first opportunity, the new Labour Sports Minister has downgraded Sport England's role to that

The comments by Moffett, who is also a former chief exeuctive of the New South Wales and New Zealand

rugby unions and the New Zealand National Rugby League, came a day after Culture Secretary Andy Burnham

New Zealand throws support behind Olympic netball campaign

  • Archive News

 AUGUST 31 - NEW ZEALAND has thrown its support behind the campaign to get netball onto the Olympic programme

New Zealand, whose national team are called the Silver Ferns, have now joined the campaign.  

Netball New Zealand chief executive Raelene Castle said: "Having netball at the Games would be great

Britons to lead Australia challenge for London 2012

  • Archive News

  FORMER UK Athletics coach Tudor Bidder (pictured) has been re-appointed as the Australian Institute of Sport athletics performance manager for the build-up to London 2012 while Eric Hollingsworth will lead the country's elite programme.

He said: "Tudor is a quality coach who brings a range of new concepts and a fresh approach to our athletics

the positions of head coach at the Victorian Institute of Sport and performance director at Athletics New


Canada should target top ten finish in London says top official but Baumann claims it is unrealistic

  • Archive News

 AUGUST 31 - A TOP Canadian Olympic official has claimed that the country should target a top-10 finish at London 2012 to reflect its worldwide economic status.

Former Olympic gold medallist swimmer Alex Baumann is heading up a new scheme, the Road To Excellence

But after conversations in Beijing with his equivalents from Australia, Britain and New Zealand, Baumann

Bid for Rugby World Cup set to be launched by Wales and England

  • Archive News

 JUNE 28 - WALES and England are planning a joint bid to host the 2015 Rugby World Cup, it was reported today.

As well as the 74,000-seater Millennium Stadium, Wales would be able to stage matches at the new 27,000

Swansea’s Liberty Stadium, the Scarlets’ new home in Llanelli and the Dragons’ new

But with the next World Cup in 2011 due to be held New Zealand, the feeling is that it may be time to

New Zealand names new rowing boss

  • Rowing

  FORMER professional cricketer Simon Peterson (pictured) has been named as the new chief executive

of Rowing New Zealand (RNZ), it has been announced.

Zealand since 2002 and played first class cricket for Auckland.  

At the Beijing Olympics earlier this year New Zealand won three medals, including a gold in the women's

Of the 60 international medals won by international rowers for New Zealand since 1928, almost a third

Peterson said: “Rowing New Zealand has a clear mission to be both the best rowing nation in the world

and the most successful Olympic and international sport in New Zealand.   

New Zealand names new rowing boss

  • Archive News

  FORMER professional cricketer Simon Peterson (pictured) has been named as the new chief executive

of Rowing New Zealand (RNZ), it has been announced.

Zealand since 2002 and played first class cricket for Auckland.  

At the Beijing Olympics earlier this year New Zealand won three medals, including a gold in the women's

Of the 60 international medals won by international rowers for New Zealand since 1928, almost a third

Peterson said: “Rowing New Zealand has a clear mission to be both the best rowing nation in the world

and the most successful Olympic and international sport in New Zealand.   

Hoy creates more history as he is given Knighthood

  • Archive News

medallist, has made more history after he and his mother (pictured) were given awards in the Queen's New

Olympic athletes and officials from New Zealand are also given honours.  

Heading the sporting honours is Dave Currie, who led the New Zealand team in Beijing as Chef de Mission

He is made a Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit (CNZM).  

Zealand Order of Merit (ONZM).  

Zealand Order of Merit (MNZM) - as are the bronze medal coxless pair of George Bridgewater and Nathan

New Zealand replace Pakistan as relations with India worsen

  • Archive News

  NEW ZEALAND has accepted India's invitation to replace Pakistan for a four-nation field hockey tournament

the organiser of the tournament, said: "We were keen on getting a good replacement for Pakistan, and New

Zealand will make the competition even tougher."  

New Zealand claimed seventh place at the Olympics with a 4-2 win over Pakistan in the classification

India and New Zealand did not qualify for the elite six-nation tournament.  

India are scheduled to tour New Zealand for a four-match series in February and take part in the Asia