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FIAS encourages athletes to register for ITA webinar

  • Sambo

The International Sambo Federation (FIAS) has invited athletes to attend an International Testing Agency (ITA) webinar.

Scheduled to be held on January 31, the topic of the webinar will be: "Anti-Doping rule violations: right

hearings".Damien Clivaz, senior legal counsel for the ITA, and Fabien Cagneux, managing counsel of Anti-Doping

webinar, with translations in Arabic, Spanish, French and Russian available.FIAS delegated its anti-doping

ITA last year ©ITAThe session will touch upon topics such as CAS, decision-making process, CAS Anti-Doping

division and appeal process among others.FIAS handed over its anti-doping operations to the ITA after

Para powerlifter Ortiz given two-year doping ban

  • Powerlifting News

Powerlifter and former wheelchair tennis player Maria Antonieta Ortiz has been given a two-year suspension by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) after testing positive for methylhexanamine.

London 2012 Paralympics and powerlifting at the Rio 2016 Games, was deemed to have committed the anti-doping

Azerbaijan Weightlifting Federation seeks donations for clubs to develop sport

  • Weightlifting

The Azerbaijan Weightlifting Federation has created a platform to allow individuals to make voluntary donations to clubs in the country.

represented in the sport at the Games since London 2012.The country has previously been implicated in doping

place.The most important element required is changing the culture of a sport that has been dogged by doping

Commonwealth Games medallist Bol claims innocence after testing positive for EPO

  • Athletics

Australian middle-distance runner Peter Bol, who won the silver medal in the men's 800 metres at the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games, has took to Twitter to profess his innocence, having tested positive for the performance-enhancing drug erythropoetin, better known as EPO.

test from October 11 showed he had tested positive for synthetic EPO, by the Australian Sports Anti-Doping

Bolt lawyers allege eight-time Olympic champion missing $12.7 million

  • Athletics

Lawyers for Usain Bolt have alleged that more than $12.7 million (£10.3 million/€11.7 million) is missing from an account belonging to the eight-time Olympic gold medallist.

Jamaica were stripped of their victory in that event at Beijing 2008 because of Nesta Carter's positive doping

Philip Barker: Flags and anthems - an eternal debate

  • Inside the Blogs

The waving of Russian flags in the stands at the Australian Open in Melbourne this week prompted complaints from Ukrainian spectators and sparked indignation from Russian officials after the flags were removed.

shooter Fehaid Al-Deehani won his double trap gold under the Olympic Flag.Russia was suspended after doping

WADA confirms expanded 2023 Executive Committee

  • Latest

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has announced its Executive Committee for 2023 is to expand to 16

Commission group too.Of the 18 continental representatives, only three are new additions.Saudi Arabian Anti-Doping

First openly gay Indian athlete Chand fails anti-doping test

  • Athletics

Indian sprinter Dutee Chand, best-known in her country for being its first openly gay athlete, has been given a provisional suspension for testing positive for anabolic agents andarine, enobosarm and ligandrol. 

Andarine, enobosarm and ligandrol are classed as selective androgen receptor modulators on the World Anti-Doping

 "AFI has been very strict and together with National Anti-Doping Agency, we are taking all possible

steps to curb doping.

 "We have maintained that AFI has a zero-tolerance policy as far as doping is concerned."

Mwangi Wangari latest Kenyan athlete to be provisionally suspended by AIU

  • Athletics

James Mwangi Wangari is the latest Kenyan athlete to receive a provisional suspension from the Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU).

presence or use of prohibited substance norandrosterone, a chemical compound that is on the World Anti-Doping

earlier this month, World Athletics President Seb Coe said there was "no suggestion" of state-sponsored doping

in Kenyan athletics.Kenya is one of seven Category A nations deemed by the AIU to have the highest doping

announced in November that it was committing $25 million (£20.5 million/€23.7 million) to fighting doping

WADA reports "return to normal testing levels" in 2021 figures

  • News

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has reported a 61.2 per cent increase in the number of testing samples

241,430 urine and non-athlete biological passport blood samples analysed and reported into the Anti-Doping

2021 edition of WADA’s Annual Testing Figures Report, which is the most comprehensive overview of all doping

The Agency would like to commend the Anti-Doping Organisations and accredited laboratories around the

The Testing Figures Report is an important tool for information-sharing between Anti-Doping Organisations

as well as a foundational piece on which to build and adjust their anti-doping programmes."

Russian Ambassador fury at Australian Open tennis flag ban

  • Tennis

Russian Ambassador Alexei Pavlovsky has accused Australian Open tennis organisers of "sacrificing the spirit of fair play", after their decision to remove a Russian flag from courtside and enforce a blanket ban on all Russia and Belarus flags at the competition venue.

been barred from using their national flag at the Olympics as part of a package of sanctions following doping

Former British Cycling doctor Freeman loses High Court appeal against being struck off

  • Cycling

Richard Freeman, the former British Cycling and Team Sky chief doctor, has failed in his High Court appeal against being struck off the medical register.

£23,000 ($28,000/€26,000).Following the tribunal, Freeman was charged with two violations by UK Anti-Doping

(UKAD) - possession of prohibited substances and tampering or attempted tampering with any part of doping

Rugby player Korobchuk given eight-year doping ban for second offence after RUSADA appeal

  • Rugby Sevens

The Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) has successfully extended the ban of rugby sevens player Oksana

Korobchuk from two years to eight for the athlete's second anti-doping rule violation.

with the appeal of RUSADA, who sought a larger ban than what was handed out by the Disciplinary Anti-Doping

Despite the fact that this was Korobchuk's second anti-doping rule violation, the Disciplinary Anti-Doping

In line with the World Anti-Doping Code, a second anti-doping rule violation that would be worth a four-year