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Russia, India and Kenya top list as AIU issues latest global list of sanctions

  • Athletics

athletes, banned by World Athletics in November 2015 following the revelations of a concerted home doping

the Russian invasion of Ukraine.But work has continued to lift the ban applied to the Russian Anti-Doping

kept all Russian athletes out of the frame save for those who have been able to show sufficient anti-doping

the reinstatement of RUSADA, said there was "a new culture of good governance and zero tolerance for doping

since 2016 in category A of the countries under surveillance by World Athletics and the World Anti-Doping

Kenya will spare no effort in the fight against doping," the country's President William Ruto announced

Arab nations in control as Al Mana retains Asian weightlifting leadership

  • Weightlifting

Yousef Al Mana will lead the Asian Weightlifting Federation (AWF) through to the Paris 2024 Olympic Games after retaining his role as President in Doha today.

weightlifting in the Olympic Games, and highlighted the need for all of the AWF’s 45 members to focus on "anti-doping

month, and will be able to take part only if its Government changes policy and allows independent anti-doping

Another weightlifting coach banned for life - and a third Tokyo 2020 medallist suspended

  • Weightlifting

The International Weightlifting Federation’s (IWF) decision to toughen up on doping by handing over all

Punishing coaches was unheard of when the IWF policed doping itself, but this is the third time since

IWF’s site, which will continue to list historic sanctions.It is all part of a new approach to anti-doping

November.Pakistan's Talha Talib, who competed at Tokyo 2020, has been banned for three-years after a doping

not necessarily provide an exhaustive overview of all the sanctions imposed… insofar as other Anti-Doping

Kemp promoted to WADA chief operating officer

  • Latest

Stuart Kemp has been promoted to chief operating officer at the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) to replace

I’m pleased to share that I’m starting a new position as chief operating officer at the World Anti-Doping

as its testing manger.He has also worked in standards and harmonisation and also on ADAMS, the anti-doping

Wow, congratulations Stuart," Moses, the chairman emeritus of the United States Anti-Doping Agency, wrote

Double Cyclo-cross World Cup champion Aerts to receive two-year doping ban

  • Cycling

Belgian rider Toon Aerts - who is a two-time International Cycling Union (UCI) Cyclo-cross World Cup champion - has revealed he is facing a two-year suspension for testing positive for the banned substance, letrozole.

punishment, a much too severe punishment for someone who can say with a clear conscience that he is not a doping

I have never had the intention to use doping and I have never voluntarily taken doping products to improve

Russia expected to contribute $1.2 million to WADA for 2023, with no reduction in RUSADA state funding

  • News

Russia is expected to contribute around $1.2 million (£992,000/€1.12 million) to the World Anti-Doping

Agency (WADA) for 2023, while state funding to the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) is set to remain

contributions to WADA are calculated through a regional split.RUSADA remains non-compliant with the World Anti-Doping

Code, although sanctions against the country for its state-sponsored doping programme - reduced from

for 2023.Veronika Loginova said that RUSADA must be able to show "how thoroughly they were tested for doping

Maintaining a sufficient level of funding for anti-doping activities was one of the conditions for the

international competitions, the question will definitely arise how thoroughly they were tested for doping

Coe says Russian and Belarus athletes should only return to competition where it is "palatable and fair"

  • Athletics

World Athletics President Sebastian Coe has underlined his desire to allow Russian and Belarusian athletes to compete in international competition - but only in circumstances where it is "palatable and fair."

Athletics ban on Russian and Belarus athletes remains in place, as does the ban on the Russian Anti-Doping

Agency (RUSADA), applied in November 2015 in response to the Russian doping crisis.The latter has kept

all Russian athletes out of the frame save for those who have been able to show sufficient anti-doping

the reinstatement of RUSADA, said there was "a new culture of good governance and zero tolerance for doping