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Alan Hubbard: The year sport fought for its soul and lost on points

  • Inside the Blogs

Twenty-fifteen: The year in which the high and mighty fell to earth with a resounding thump.

Senegal, has apparently coughed to the French cops, admitting that he turned a blind eye to the massive doping

proof that cheats were prospering in his beloved athletics on a gigantic scale (as indeed they are in doping

showing that his own newly-promoted right-hand man, a fellow Brit, knew about a number of Russian doping

Düsseldorf to host Grand Depart of Tour de France in 2017

  • Cycling

Düsseldorf will host the Grand Depart of the 2017 Tour de France in what will mark the race's first start on German soil for 30 years, it has been announced.

of a resurged interest in cycling in Germany since the sport suffered a lapse in popularity due to doping

French police upgrade charges against Diack to allow more time for investigation

  • Athletics

Former International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) President Lamine Diack is now being accused of "active", rather than "passive", corruption by French magistrates.

focus on suspicions that Diack bribed Gabriel Dollé, the former director of the IAAF’s medical and anti-doping

citing an unnamed official.It has been a tumultuous period for Diack and the IAAF since the World Anti-Doping

Agency's Independent Commission confirmed reports of sate-supported doping within Russian athletics.An

yesterday by French newspaper Le Monde revealing that he considered delaying the release of Russian doping

Davies was yesterday accussed of sending an email suggesting the IAAF delay the release of Russian doping

FINA reaffirms zero-tolerance policy towards anti-doping as criticism about testing system continues

  • Aquatics

Federation (FINA) has moved to reaffirm, what it claims is its zero-tolerance policy towards anti-doping

comes at the end of what they described as a "challenging year for sport", which saw the World Anti-Doping

Agency (WADA) Independent Commission confirm reports of state-supported doping within the Russian athletics

There are concerns about what is exactly happening to prevent doping use," he said in an interview with

have since been confirmed by the WADA Independent Commission report, FINA reaffirmed its policy on doping

control for aquatics athletes worldwide in order to continue optimising the efficacy of our anti-doping

Top IAAF official claims he was only "brainstorming" when he suggested delaying naming Russian drugs cheats

  • Athletics

International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) deputy secretary general and Sebastian Coe's chief of staff Nick Davies tonight denied he was involved in trying to delay the naming of Russian athletes who had failed drugs tests in the run-up the 2013 World Championships in Moscow. 

son of former IAAF President Lamine Diack, Davies claimed they needed to "sit down" with anti-doping

Agency (WADA) Independent Commission confirmed reports of systemic doping within the Russian athletics

doping.The IAAF Ethics Commission are also investigating Valentin Balakhnichev and former IAAF anti-doping

cases, nor am I aware of any doping case that was not brought that should have been brought, or of

any doping ban that was not published when it should have been published under the IAAF Rules," said

CAS set late-February date to make verdict on doping bans awarded to six Russian athletes

  • Athletics

Kidyapkin and Yulia Zaripova are among six leading Russian athletes who will find out the status of their doping

Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) into punishments given by the Russian Anti-Doping

 Russia is currently banned by the IAAF following the World Anti-Doping Agency's Independent Commission

confirmed reports of state-supported doping in a report published last month.WADA are due to release

Exclusive: Verbruggen to remain UCI Honorary President after reaching agreement to end legal threat following CIRC Report

  • Cycling

Former International Cycling Union (UCI) President Hein Verbruggen has revealed an agreement was signed with Brian Cookson to end legal proceedings following the Cycling Independent Reform Commission (CIRC) report which will see him retain his role as Honorary Presidency of the world governing body.

The CHF2.25 million (£1.5 million/$2.26 million/€2 million) report into the UCI and the sport's doping

doping.Complied by Swiss politician and state prosecutor Dr Dick Marty, with the support of German anti-doping

publication of the report by CIRC, which had been established by Cookson in January 2014 to investigate how doping

that Armstrong's agent had helped Verbruggen draft an open letter that was critical of then World Anti-Doping

Agency (WADA) chairman Richard Pound, who had been a vocal critic of the UCI’s doping policies under

Whistleblowing couple insist it would be "unfair" if Russian athletics ban is lifted before Rio 2016

  • Athletics

Whistleblowing couple Yulia Stepanova and Vitaly Stepanov believe it would be unfair on the rest of the world if Russia's ban from athletics is lifted before the Rio 2016 Olympic Games.

Athletics Federations (IAAF) Council voted 22-1 to ban Russia after revelations of state-sponsored doping

were revealed in an explosive report by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Independent Commission last

the IAAF inspection team until after the Championships on March 27.Both the IAAF and the Russian Anti-Doping

before she came forward ©Getty ImagesStepanov, a former employee of the Russian Anti-Doping Agency, 

appeared in an ARD documentary entitled Top-secret Doping: How Russia makes its Winners late last year

Russian whistleblowers appointed ambassadors of new fair play programme at Zurich Diamond League

  • Athletics

Whistleblowers Yulia Stepanova and Vitaly Stepanov have been named as ambassadors for a new fair play programme unveiled by the organisers of the Weltklasse Zürich Diamond League meeting.

programme.The revelations made by the husband and wife duo were instrumental in inspiring the World Anti-Doping

Agency (WADA) Independent Commission's verdict of systemic doping across Russian athletics last month.They

Agency, in 2014, she and her husband Vitaliy Stepanov, a former employee of the Russian Anti-Doping

documentary broadcast by German channel ARD accusing the Russian sports system of large-scale doping

substances in exchange for five per cent of an athlete's earnings and falsified tests together with doping

Victoria Falls to host next meeting of ANOCA Executive Committee in February


Combating doping problems and deciding whether to have an African Village in Rio de Janeiro next summer

ANOCA are hoping to work with the African Union in order to better promote anti-doping activity as well

Thomas Bach where he urged all African NOCs to make "extra effort" to improve their work to tackle doping

ahead of Rio 2016.Suspicions over widespread doping has increased in recent weeks following publication

of the World Anti-Doping Agency's (WADA) Independent Commission's report, which confirmed allegations

of systemic doping within Russian athletics.Greater light has been shone on problems in other countries

Cycling’s CIRC report was less costly than anticipated at CHF2.25 million

  • Cycling

The International Cycling Union (UCI)’s Cycling Independent Reform Commission (CIRC) report into historical allegations of drug-taking in the sport ended up costing 25 per cent less than budgeted.

March, the 227-page CIRC report was a big story that prompted UCI to announce a number of new anti-doping

CHF11.4 million (£7.7 million/$11.4 million/€10.5 million).Notes to UCI’s accounts showed that anti-doping

American cyclist Lea ruled out of Rio 2016 after being handed 16-month ban for positive drug test

  • Cycling

American cyclist Robert Lea has been ruled out of Rio 2016 after receiving a 16-month suspension following a positive drug test in August.

Adverse Analytical Finding for noroxycodone, a metabolite of oxycodone, to the United States Anti-Doping

Association North American Court of Arbitration for Sport (AAA), it was found Lea had committed an anti-doping

process, and that it is absolutely essential for athletes to be vigilant in competing according to anti-doping

"Tweet or compete" at Rio 2016 Australian athletes warned

  • ONOC

Australian athletes have been urged to "tweet or compete" at next year's Olympics in Rio de Janeiro in order to avoid any distractions from competition during the Games.

know that.”The issue was discussed at a briefing session in Sydney along with other issues, including doping

Diack confesses asking Russia for €1.5 million to help fund political campaign in return for drugs test cover-up, claims report

  • Athletics

Former International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) President Lamine Diack has reportedly admitted to French police he asked Russia for €1.5 million (£1.1 million/$1.6 million) to help him mount a political campaign in his native Senegal. 

today concluded a three-day hearing into Balakhnichev, Diack's son Papa Massata Diack, former IAAF anti-doping

athletes, Alexei Melnikov.The officials faced disciplinary hearings on charges that they covered up doping

Russian runner Liliya Shobukhova, the former London Marathon winner, who has admitted to the World Anti-Doping

Agency that she paid more than  than $450,000 (£300,000/€400,000) to avoid a doping ban.The IAAF has

All-Russia Athletics Federation general secretary leads list of candidates to become new President

  • Athletics

to rebuild following its suspension from international competition after allegations of systematic doping

of missing after being suspended by the IAAF last month following the publication of the World Anti-Doping

15 followed a meeting of the Provisional Coordinating Committee on Cooperation with the World Anti-Doping

for doubt" says IAAF President CoeNovember 2015: Russia will not appeal against IAAF suspension after doping