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The crises that have rocked world sport in 2015 are helping to speed the spread of better financial practice among leading International Federations

  • The Big Read

"Good governance and autonomy are strongly linked; they are two sides of the same coin.” This maxim, taken from the background document to the Olympic Agenda 2020 proposals approved almost exactly a year ago by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), meeting in Monaco, encapsulates why 2015 has been such a disastrous year for advocates of maximum autonomy for sports organisations.

focus, understandably, will be on what the IOC had to say in the Olympic capital on making the anti-doping

easier for everybody to compare International Federation spending on everything from staff to anti-doping

Runners invited to wear “I Run Clean” bibs at European Cross Country Championships

  • Athletics

European Athletics to carry an “I Run Clean” message on their bibs, to show their commitment to a doping-free

month.Members of the IAAF Council voted 22-1 to ban Russia after allegations of widespread state-supported doping

were revealed in an explosive report by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Independent Commission.European

to reassure those watching at the course and at home that they are competing without resorting to doping

upon sports organisations to renew trust in sport.His statement followed a series of corruption and doping

, WADA claimsNovember 2015: Russia will not appeal against IAAF suspension after doping allegations

Duncan Mackay: Setting up an independent anti-doping agency is Bach's biggest challenge but could be

  • Inside the Blogs

Thomas Bach is presenting the expansion of the powers of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) as a fait

Bach was right in Lausanne yesterday when he said Governments are "always saying how important anti-doping

, told insidethegames last month that he thought Bach's proposal for a new anti-doping body was "more

"Doping now is everything that, firstly, is harmful to an athlete's health and, secondly, artificially

"If it's just the second case, for me that's not doping."

At the time, it was hailed as an historic moment in the fight against doping.

Conditions for lifting of Russia's ban leave "no room for doubt" says IAAF President Coe

  • Athletics

International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) President Sebastian Coe claimed that "no room had been left for doubt" after Russia was told exactly what it needs to do to have its suspension from the sport lifted.

voted 22-1 to ban Russia after the revelations were revealed in an explosive report by the World Anti-Doping

"It is up to them to implement verifiable change both in anti-doping practice and culture."

by athlete support personnel named in the WADA report.When reliable evidence of doping is discovered

education, and actively promoting an open anti-doping culture.

must be stopped.Effective deterrence of future doping must also be spearheaded by the ARAF, through

Parcours Institute launch certification for professional cycling hopefuls

  • Cycling

Parcours Institute have announced the launch of the first team-recognised professional certification for cyclists, titled “Parcours Cycling”.

modules on nutrition, racing and communal skills, while a representative of the United States Anti-Doping

sponsorship relations, nutritional challenges and navigating the complex frameworks surrounding anti-doping

IOC target Pyeongchang 2018 to launch independent anti-doping agency and call on Governments to help

  • News

Committee (IOC) has revealed here it has targeted Pyeongchang 2018 to have established an independent anti-doping

also called today for strong Governmental support in the initiative, a key proposal to a World Anti-Doping

“Goverments are 50 per cent partners in doping and you are always saying how important anti-doping is

organisations, according to the IOC, while doping sanctions should be decided by the Court of Arbitration

a more efficient, more transparent, more streamlined, more cost efficient and more harmonised anti-doping

body, claims PoundOctober 2015: New independent anti-doping body to be considered following Olympic

Britain's UKAD to help Russian Anti-Doping Agency after declared non-compliant

  • News

Britain is to help Russia overhaul its drugs-testing system following the scandal which has led to the country's athletes being banned and left them fearing they will not be able to compete at next year's Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) will work closely with the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA), recently declared

non-compliant by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), it was announced by the Sports Ministry in Moscow

WADA has recommended UKAD to RUSADA," Natalia Zheleznova, an anti-doping adviser to Russia's Sports Minister

They are expected to plan tests together attracting international companies which take [doping

the WADA Independent Commission report published last month, which confirmed allegations of systemic doping

IAAF and FIFA scandals not the same, claims IOC President Bach

  • Athletics

Recent scandals surrounding the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) and FIFA are not the same and concern “different issues”, International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach claimed here today as he expressed confidence that steps are being taken in the right direction to address the problems within both governing bodies.

The IAAF and FIFA have been embroiled in doping and corruption crises of late, with criminal investigations

remains the subject of an investigation in France over allegations he accepted money to help cover up doping

Independent audit launched by IOC on contributions to sporting organisations

  • Olympics

Olympic Committees (NOCs) in a bid to increase transparency within sport in the midst of corruption and doping

comes as part of the IOC’s attempt to ensure the “protection of clean athletes in sport” amid the doping

doping.It is hoped the good governance structures being implemented will help prevent future corruption and doping

in sport in wake of "upsetting" sporting scandalsNovember 2015: ASOIF to set-up governance and anti-doping

International Institute for Management Development to analyse governance of IOC

  • Olympics

Sports Federations have a “strategic choice” to release financial records in a bid to improve transparency, International Institute for Management Development (IMD) professor Didier Cossin claimed here as his company began an analysis into the governance of the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

recommendations to the body in March next year.It comes amid troubled times for sport following corruption and doping

in sport in wake of "upsetting" sporting scandalsNovember 2015: ASOIF to set-up governance and anti-doping

Mike Rowbottom: Peake’s London Marathon ambition taking sport in space to a new frontier

  • Inside the Blogs

By this time next week astronaut Tim Peake should be orbiting the earth on the International Space Station which is due to be launched from Kazakhstan. And on April 24 next year, the date of the Virgin Money London Marathon, this 43-year-old Briton plans - through a combination of a treadmill, a harness and a digital running app – to become the first man to run a marathon in space.

set myself a goal of anywhere between 3 hours 30 minutes to four hours.”Just as well in terms of anti-doping

While there would be no problem providing details of his whereabouts for UK Anti-Doping, testing could

Row with Kuwait worsening according to IOC autonomy tsar as Minister threatens to evict OCA from headquarters

  • OCA

International Olympic Committee (IOC) autonomy tsar Patrick Hickey has revealed the situation regarding Kuwait has “worsened” after Minister of State for Youth Affairs Sheikh Salman Sabah Al-Salem Al-Homud Al-Sabah threatened to prevent athletes from the country competing at the Olympic Games.

meaning the country would no longer comply with the Court of Arbitration for Sport or the World Anti-Doping

Political and economic crisis in Brazil a "challenge" for Rio 2016 in final stage of Olympic preparations

  • Rio 2016

The ongoing economic and political crisis in Brazil poses a “challenge” to Rio 2016’s preparations for next year’s Olympic Games, Organising Committee President Carlos Nuzman admitted here today but vowed to not let the issue effect their chances of delivering on their promises.

and insisted that steps had been taken in the right direction.Sir Craig, President of the World Anti-Doping

Outcome of Operation Puerto appeals expected to be announced in January

  • Cycling

made against the destruction of evidence from the criminal trial of Eufemiano Fuentes in the anti-doping

The doctor had been found to have provided blood doping to several of the world's leading cyclists,

Santamaria ruled the blood bags and other evidence would be destroyed rather than handed over to anti-doping

of appeals against the verdict were launched following the decision, including from the World Anti-Doping

players from tennis, football and other high profile sports also alleged to have been a part of the doping

in the Operation Puerto appeals case, the second half of WADA's Independent Commission report into doping