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Questioning of Coe by British MPs to go ahead on Wednesday in spite of Syria airstrike debate

  • Athletics

Sebastian Coe’s appearance before British Members of Parliament on the Culture Media and Sport Select Committee is to go ahead tomorrow, even though it will coincide with the House of Commons debate on whether Britain should start airstrikes against Islamic State in Syria.

areas.Coe’s hearing is scheduled to begin at 2.15pm as part of the Committee’s inquiry into blood doping

among top athletes.The Committee launched its blood doping inquiry following the allegations first

in coming weeks.Related storiesNovember 2015: IAAF accused of trying to "muddy the waters" by anti-doping

doing anything wrongNovember 2015: Russian Sports Minister "committed fully" to recommendations on doping

with position as IAAF PresidentNovember 2015: Russia will not appeal against IAAF suspension after doping

No positive doping tests recorded during Rugby World Cup

  • Rugby Sevens

No positive doping results were recorded from more than 450 tests conducted during the England 2015 Rugby

An "intelligence-led, targeted programme" was run in partnership with UK Anti-Doping in which 200 in-competition

of 317 urine and 151 blood samples, with all analysed by the Drug Control Centre at the World Anti-Doping

The World Cup also featured rugby's biggest-ever anti-doping education programme with over 600 players

test was recorded at the Rugby World Cup won by New Zealand in October ©Getty Images"Doping is a major

The news is being hailed as a major achievement by a sport which does face doping problems.In September

Kazan's preparations for 2016 European Judo Championships inspected by EJU

  • Judo

An inspection of Kazan’s preparations for next year's European Judo Championships has taken place with the European Judo Union (EJU) and the Russian Judo Federation (RJF) having assessed progress in the Russian city.

a great team.”A meeting regarding key issues affecting the Championships was also held, with anti-doping

of the European Games in 2019, with 2014 Winter Olympic hosts Sochi, should Russia address serious doping

Nick Butler: Hamburg 2024 blow shows Thomas Bach remains out of touch with what ordinary citizens want

  • Inside the Blogs

Last night’s referendum result in Hamburg was another huge blow for the Olympic Movement.

conceded that the decision “also may have been influenced by regrettable incidents with regard to doping

the bid only a few months later.Nonetheless, what with problems engulfing FIFA and the more recent doping

not more pressing problem in Mexico is the fact they were deemed non-compliant with the World Anti-Doping

Code last week…In this light, Bach’s admission today that doping and sporting corruption contributed

Athletics Kenya chairman and former IAAF Council member accused of accepting two cars as gift from Qatar

  • Athletics

Athletics Kenya chairman Isaiah Kiplagat has been accused of accepting a gift of two motor vehicles from the Qatar Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF) when Doha was successfully bidding to host the 2019 World Championships last year.

Kenyan police are also investigating Kiplagat over claims he covered-up doping failures.The duo have

investigation, against Mr Kiplagat, Mr Okeyo and Mr Kinyua in relation to (1) potential subversion of the anti-doping

heads the Professional Athletes Association of Kenya.Concerns are also growing over high levels of doping

in Kenya following the World Anti-Doping Agency Independent Commission report's confirmation of "systemic

doping" within Russian athletics earlier this month.Double world cross country champion and Commonwealth

Russian Sports Minister insists there are no plans to disband RUSADA

  • News

There are no plans to disband the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA), despite it being declared non-compliant

with the World Anti-Doping Code, the country's Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko claimed today. 

RUSADA was heavily criticised as part of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Independent Commission Report

published earlier this month, which confirmed allegations of systemic doping within Russian athletics

"Our priority is now on ensuring all our partners are fully compliant and have watertight anti-doping

“Anti-doping in sport is under the spotlight today like never before, and WADA, along with our partners

Related storiesNovember 2015: Russian Sports Minister "committed fully" to recommendations on doping,

Daniel Etchells: As weightlifting gets tough on doping, perhaps it's time the IAAF follows suit

  • Inside the Blogs

USA Weightlifting chief executive Michael Massik said last month that the ultimate aim of the National Governing Body in preparing for the recent International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) World Championships in Houston was to make them the "most memorable" of all time.

on the All-Russia Athletics Federation (ARAF) amid allegations of widespread and "state-supported" doping

Firmly.Bulgarian weightlifter Ivan Markov is currently serving an 18-month ban for doping ©Getty ImagesAnd

In 2009, the BWF was temporarily stripped of its licence due to doping among weightlifters, a year after

stripped of three gold medals.IWF rules state that any country which produces nine or more positive doping

Coe suggests Kenyan IAAF Council member accused of corruption could be suspended next week

  • Athletics

International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) ruling Council member David Okeyo and Athletics Kenya (AK) chairman Isaiah Kiplagat could be sanctioned next week by the IAAF Ethics Commission after allegedly misusing funds from a sponsorship deal with Nike, the body's President Sebastian Coe has said.

heads the Professional Athletes Association of Kenya.Concerns are also growing over high levels of doping

in Kenya following the World Anti-Doping Agency Independent Commission report's confirmation of "systemic

doping" within Russian athletics earlier this month.Double world cross country champion and Commonwealth

endsNovember 2015: Kenyan athletes storm headquarters in protest at alleged corruptionNovember 2015: Kenyan doping

Exclusive: WKF President describes World Combat Games as a "nightmare"

  • Olympics

Former SportAccord vice-president Antonio Espinós believes the organisation should steer clear of trying to organise multi-sport events, criticising the World Combat Games as a “nightmare” which serves no real purpose for the International Federations (IFs).

multi-sport Games - the future is to provide these services that some smaller federations need such as anti-doping

and this is the main task - if it is not able to protect us against rival groups and manage anti-doping

IAAF accused of trying to "muddy the waters" by anti-doping experts following defence of testing regime

  • Athletics

Anti-doping expert Michael Ashenden has accused the International Association of Athletics Federations

it had sent to the UK Parliament’s Culture Media and Sport Select Committee’s inquiry into "Blood Doping

suspicious but were not investigated by the IAAF.But the IAAF claimed they were not "complacent about doping

", that they are a "pioneer" in the fight against blood doping, and that "any competent scientist" would

"state-supported" doping in athletics, as well as the destruction of positive drug test samples and

in athletics (made evident in the WADA IC first report) but also the potential effects of blood doping

SNOC President urges officials to protect clean sport in Singapore

  • OCA

Singapore National Olympic Council (SNOC) President Tan Chuan-Jin has urged sports officials in the country to continue to “conduct ourselves and act above board at all times” in light of a series of scandals in world sport.

Athletics Federations and FIFA, world football’s governing body, remain embroiled in corruption and doping

Two-time world cross country champion among seven Kenyan athletes banned for doping

  • Athletics

drugs tests as some of the country's leading runners admitted the country has a serious problem with doping

two-time London Marathon winner Wilson Kipsang, had accused the Government of not taking the issue of doping

 They have called for the World Anti-Doping Agency, International Olympic Committee (IOC) and IAAF

 "Doping has not been accorded the seriousness it deserves by relevant authorities in Kenya," the

 Kenyan athletes storm headquarters in protest at alleged corruptionNovember 2015: Kenyan doping

funds from Nike sponsorship dealOctober 2015: Athletics Kenya bans two athletes following failed doping

IAAF claim they are a "pioneer" in fight against blood doping as they clear Radcliffe of doing anything

  • Athletics

International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) today claimed it was not "complacent about doping

" and it was a "pioneer" in the fight against blood doping as its President Sebastian Coe prepared to

it had sent to the  UK Parliament’s Culture Media and Sport Select Committee’s inquiry into "Blood Doping

She has been publicly accused of blood doping based on the gross misinterpretation of raw and incomplete

the UK Parliament Culture Media and Sport Select Committee who are investigating allegations of blood doping

As a result, 56 more athletes have been caught and sanctioned for blood doping with 13 further cases

"The IAAF is not complacent about doping in its sport.