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World Rugby and IRPA strengthen ties at Athletes' Commission

  • Rugby Sevens

A joint commitment to developing a revised Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between World Rugby and the International Rugby Players' Association (IRPA) has been agreed at the second annual Rugby Athletes' Commission (RAC) in a bid to ensure the sport’s continual growth.

development of player education and awareness programmes, covering integrity related topics such as anti-doping

World Indoor Athletics Championships absence would be "no tragedy" for suspended Russia

  • Athletics

Russia's Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko has brushed off the problem of his country's likely suspension from the World Indoor Athletics Championships in March - by claiming it will help athletes better prepare for the Rio 2016 Olympics.

ImagesThe IAAF's ruling Council voted 22-1 in favour of banning Russia last week in wake of the World Anti-Doping

authorities such as the International Olympic Committee.The inspection team, headed by Norway's anti-doping

will be drawn up using five "principles" which the IAAF released yesterday.These include sanctions for doping

cheats, creating an effective anti-doping framework, deterring incentives to dope, implementing an anti-doping

resignationNovember 2015: All-Russia Athletics Federation President reveals they will admit to some doping

Russia to host 2019 European Games if they address doping scandal

  • Minsk 2019

Russia will host the 2019 European Games providing they address the serious doping problems which has

President Patrick Hickey here today until the publication last week of the report from the World Anti-Doping

Agency Independent Commission which found evidence of state-supported doping.

Games, that is providing the independent authorities can confirm Russia's ability to support an anti-doping

Games are four years away and there is real potential here to demonstrate Russia's new robust anti-doping

addressed the 50 National Olympic Committees present for the meeting and once again promised to solve the doping

Exclusive: FIFA to trial ADAMS at Club World Cup

  • Football

during the Club World Cup in Japan in December, in a move likely to be welcomed by the World Anti-Doping

ADAMS is the main book-keeping/information-sharing tool of the doping control movement, a secure web-based

clearing house where data on testing results, therapeutic use exemptions (TUEs) and anti-doping rule

picture.A specific finding in the recent Independent Commission report into allegations of widespread doping

in Russia was that WADA’s coordination of the fight against doping in sport could be “made easier if

“However ADAMS also serves an important function which links anti-doping organisations and WADA.

New intelligence gathering unit to be set up and funded by IOC to help catch drugs cheats before Rio 2016

  • Olympics

President Thomas Bach today revealed more details of how he plans to help strengthen the World Anti-Doping

available initially at the level of their present investment in the fight against doping.

"This organisation should also coordinate the work of the National Anti-Doping Agencies to ensure a

streamlined, efficient and worldwide harmonised anti-doping system.

"The unit could address issues with regard to the compliance of National Anti-Doping Agencies and anti-doping

“WADA recognises that, to truly tackle the scourge of doping, the anti-doping community must further

Spaniard stripped of World Championships gold medal and banned for three-years by CAS

  • Athletics

Spain's Marta Domínguez has received a three-year suspension from the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), it was announced today, bringing a conclusion to a case which has lasted more than two years.

;(RFEA) Sports Disciplinary Committee in Madrid, who agreed with her explanation for the positive doping

banned and contested the decision of the RFEA to CAS in February 2014.Later that year, the World Anti-Doping

they were able to rule under IAAF rules.The CAS subsequently found the 40-year-old guilty of an anti-doping

in 2010 in connection with Operación Galgo, an investigation by Spanish authorities into an alleged doping

investigationDecember 2010: Spain suspends world champion from top post after doping raid

Coe calls for "robust" inspection of Russia as country seeks to overturn IAAF suspension

  • Athletics

Russia has been given an indication of what it must achieve in order to see its suspension by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) overturned - with the body's President Sebastian Coe calling for a "robust" inspection of the scandal-hit country.

The IAAF's ruling council voted 22-1 in favour of banning Russia last week in wake of the World Anti-Doping

Agency (WADA) Independent Commission report which revealed widespread "state-supported" doping and cover-ups.Now

which includes "immediate corrective and disciplinary measures" for anyone who has committed an anti-doping

offence or engaged in any kind of intentional act of complicity in connection with the doping scheme

framework" must be established in Russia, where suspected anti-doping violations and related misconduct

Exclusive: Bulgarian weightlifters banned from Rio 2016 after 11 test positive

  • Weightlifting

Federation (IWF) Executive Board has banned Bulgaria from competing at Rio 2016 due to multiple positive doping

 The Bulgarian Weightlifting Federation was temporarily stripped of its licence due to doping among

this year's edition after their athletes failed to submit their whereabouts information to the Anti-Doping

Commission, providing statistics on doping cases this year.The Anti-Doping Commission claimed that steroid

profiling, introduced by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) last year, is proving very effective and

provides useful information for anti-doping purposes.The IWF also revealed today that both Malaysia's

Baku 2015 helped create positive image of Azerbaijan, new poll claims

  • Baku 2015

Hosting the 2015 European Games in Baku boosted the international image of Azerbaijan 80 per cent of people there believe, according to a new survey.

that is now not expected following the damning report published earlier this month by the World Anti-Doping

Agency Independent Commission into alleged state-supported doping in Russia.EOC President Patrick Hickey

WADA convene group to explore "technical and practical" feasibility of fully independent drug testing body

  • Olympics

participate in a group exploring setting up of a new fully independent drug testing body, the World Anti-Doping

Athletics Federations (IAAF) President Lamine Diack after allegations he took bribes to cover-up failed doping

We should make more effort than ever to make the whole anti-doping system independent, including sanctioning

best hope of avoiding a pharmaceutical free-for-allNovember 2015: Bach claims fully independent anti-doping

important than ever"November 2015: Greater budget required if WADA to set-up truly independent anti-doping

body, claims PoundOctober 2015: New independent anti-doping body to be considered following Olympic

Russia among six nations declared "non-compliant" by WADA following Foundation Board meeting

  • News

Russia was among six countries declared "non-compliant" by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) today

Deeming the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) non-compliant was recommended last week by the WADA Indepedent

Commission in its 323-page report which published allegations of systemic doping within Russian athletics

It followed WADA removing accreditation from the Russian anti-doping laboratory in Moscow.Russia's sanction

Our priority is now on ensuring all our partners are fully compliant and have watertight anti-doping

programme," a statement added.The meeting has been hailed as a "defining moment" for the anti-doping

Exclusive: Top boxing official denies drug test allegation

  • Boxing

official has denied an allegation that he “would not permit” a Togolese boxer to undergo a routine anti-doping

The allegation, contained in the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) independent observer report on the

Games, states that: “After signing the notification section of the doping control form, the President

was selected for testing and must comply with the procedures, otherwise risking a potential anti-doping

“The athlete left and the [Doping Control Officer] and chaperone filed a report to [the Local Games

action in the case at no time hindered the smooth running…of the Anti-Doping Commission.”Bayor adds

IAAF banned Russia because of public pressure, claims Sports Minister

  • Athletics

Russian Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko told the nation's Parliament today that the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) banned the country under public pressure but predicted the suspension would be lifted within three months.

criticised the methods used by the German broadcaster ARD to obtain the evidence that led to the World Anti-Doping

months".He also again claimed that the information obtained by ARD for their documentary - Top-secret Doping

Russian athletes should be banned from Rio 2016 says iNADO chiefNovember 2015: Future of Russian Anti-Doping

Finalists for IAAF Male and Female Athlete of the Year revealed

  • Athletics

Jamaica’s Usain Bolt and American duo Ashton Eaton and Christian Taylor are the three finalists for the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) Male Athlete of the Year award while Ethiopian Genzebe Dibaba, Dafne Schippers of The Netherlands and Poland’s Anita Wlodarczyk are in contention for the women’s prize, it has been announced.

Anita Wlodarczyk are the three finalists for the women's award ©AFP/Getty ImagesOwing to the ongoing doping

International Olympic Committee following his arrest on allegations of accepting bribes to cover up doping