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FEI open two new doping cases and impose ban on Argentine Ossa

  • Equestrian

Two new doping cases have been opened by the International Equestrian Federation (FEI), while the governing

Veterinarian Dr William Yerkes of the United States were both charged under Article 2.2 of the FEI Equine Anti-Doping

opening a case against the Indian.Related storiesOctober 2015: Barrios reprimanded by FEI for failed doping

escapes banOctober 2015: South African jumper provisionally banned by FEI following horse's failed doping

by FEISeptember 2015: Reigning Olympic champion Guerdat cleared of wrongdoing after horses fail doping

Tribunal provisionally lifts Swiss showjumpers' suspensions after preliminary hearings over failed doping

Olivier Niggli appointed new director general of World Anti-Doping Agency

  • News

Olivier Niggli will replace David Howman as director general of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA),

I am thrilled to be taking on this new challenge with WADA at somewhat of a juncture for anti-doping,

particular, I will focus on strengthening our relationships and interactions with our sport, National Doping

respond to the WADA Independent Commission Report last week, which confirmed allegations of systemic doping

Doping problems in Russia and elsewhere are also on the agenda at the Executive Committee and Foundation

laboratory in Moscow last week.A truly independent anti-doping body, under the auspices of WADA, will

Paralympic silver medallist banned for nine months for failed doping test

  • Athletics News

Paralympic Games silver medallist Alexander Zverev of Russia has been hit with a nine month doping ban

from September 7 to 18.The substance for which he returned a positive test for is on the World Anti-Doping

records, medals and prizes he may have won during that period.The ban comes as part of the IPC Anti-Doping

Code, which is in conformity with the general principles of the World Anti-Doping Code.Alexander Zverev

Council voting 22-1 to suspend them last week after allegations of "systemic" and state-supported doping

the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics and Paralympics.They vowed to "act accordingly" if any evidence of doping

Russian athletes should be banned from Rio 2016 says iNADO chief

  • Athletics

athletes should be banned from the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, according to the Institute of National Anti-Doping

of Athletics Federations (IAAF) voted 22-1 in favour of suspending the ARAF after state-sponsored doping

allegations were revealed in a report by the World Anti-Doping Agency's (WADA) Independent Commission.The

Olympic Games.An inspection team led by Norwegian Rune Andersen, an independent international anti-doping

in time for athletes to compete at Rio 2016.But in a statement which coincides with the World Anti-Doping

research spending each year.”Related storiesNovember 2015: Future of Russian Anti-Doping Agency

Fredericks among four Council members included in IAAF inspection team overseeing Russian reforms

  • Athletics

Four time Olympic medallist and International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) Athletes' Commission chair Frankie Fredericks will serve alongside Norwegian chair Rune Andersen in a five-strong IAAF inspection team tasked with verifying reforms undertaken in Russia before a lifting of its suspension is considered.

Council voted 22-1 to suspend Russia last week after allegations of "systemic" and state-supported doping

were supported by a World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Independent Commission report. 

WADA in 2002 after previously serving as head of the Department for Ethics, Sports Medicine, and Anti-Doping

He has also served as a member of the the Council of Europe’s Anti-Doping Convention Monitoring Group.Rune

Related storiesNovember 2015: Future of Russian Anti-Doping Agency set to be discussed by WADA Executive

Kenyan doping "concerning" for all athletes competing in endurance athletics events, claims Pound

  • Athletics

World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Independent Commission chair Richard Pound has claimed it is "pretty

comes a week after Pound's Commission produced a 323-page report confirming allegations of systemic doping

Fifteen Kenyans are currently banned for doping by the IAAF, including three-time Boston and two-time

out of competition test for erythropoietin (EPO) in September 2014.While the report found Russia's doping

the allegations.Marathon runner Rita Jeptoo is the most high profile Kenyan athlete to have failed a doping

open blood centre to help fight against dopingOctober 2013: Kenya latest country blasted by WADA over doping

Future of Russian Anti-Doping Agency set to be discussed by WADA Executive Committe and Foundation Board

  • News

Russia's doping record will face further examination when the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Executive

published last week by the WADA Independent Commission, which alleged Russia operated a "state-supported" doping

some of its leading athletes, will be top of the agenda at the meeting.The future of the Russian Anti-Doping

323-page report compiled by the WADA Independent Commission, being accused of covering up positive doping

and destroying 1,417 samples before inspectors visited.Sir Craig Reedie, President of the World Anti-Doping

, the anti-doping community must further improve the approach that has been employed to date; and,

Isinbayeva could stand to become President of All-Russia Athletics Federation

  • Athletics

Two-time Olympic pole vault gold medallist Yelena Isinbayeva has revealed she may put herself forward to be President of the All-Russia Athletics Federation (ARAF) after she retires from competition following Rio 2016.

most outspoken critic of the IAAF's decision to ban Russia following allegations of "state-supported" doping

in the World Anti-Doping Agency Independent Commission published earlier this month. 

Association of Athletics FederationsNovember 2015: Innocent athletes shouldn't be punished due to Russian doping

Exclusive: Mystery over eight unidentified adverse analytical findings at All-Africa Games

  • African Games

recent All-Africa Games in Brazzaville have produced adverse analytical findings (AAFs), in spite of a doping

control programme severely criticised as “ineffective from the start” by the World Anti-Doping Agency

table with 78 golds.The eight-page independent observer report paints a picture of a problem-plagued doping

describes as “chaotic and unorganised”.In one extraordinary example of the shortcomings experienced, doping

Sub-Commission] and the President of the [Health, Hygiene and Anti-Doping Commission]”, as well as

control programme could be improved.”The independent observer team was led by Dr Hans Cooman, doping

control coordinator from the National Anti-Doping Organisation Flanders.A letter from the Departments

Nick Butler: Sport remains a beacon of hope at a time of horror - but must fight to remain one

  • Inside the Blogs

There was one dominant topic of conversation in the lobby of the freshly re-opened Hôtel Royal Savoy in Lausanne during last week’s SportAccord International Federations Forum.

wasn’t the future shape of SportAccord being debated, but the continued fallout from the World Anti-Doping

even telling the truth.Same old, same old, a formula dragged through the ringer after every major doping

scandal since long before I took an interest.The report from the World Anti-Doping Agency, implicating

Or in this case, the horror of multiple murders on the streets of Paris.Given this, does doping matter

“If it’s not doping, it’s match-fixing,” many claim, with their belief that all those who run sport

David Owen: A TV levy might be sport’s best hope of avoiding a pharmaceutical free-for-all

  • Inside the Blogs

As regular readers probably know, I am sceptical about sport’s ability to bring doping by top-level

problem that has resulted in the chronic funding shortage experienced by the main cogs in the anti-doping

machinery that has been established over the past two decades.The principal such cog is the World Anti-Doping

Agency (WADA), which oversaw creation of the World Anti-Doping Code which governs the activity, attempting

equally by, on the one hand, the sports movement and, on the other, by Governments.The World Anti-Doping

machinery would be of interest to many of them.Some, though, are uneasy about linking the anti-doping

IAAF Council member who voted to ban Russia being investigated by Kenyan police for siphoning off funds from Nike sponsorship deal

  • Athletics

Kenya's David Okeyo, a member of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) ruling Council that voted to ban Russia, is being investigated by police in his home country after allegedly misusing funds from a sponsorship deal with Nike.

13), the IAAF provisionally suspended Russia from all competition after a report from the World Anti-Doping

President Lamine Diack, his son Papa Massata Diack, legal adviser Habib Cisse and the former IAAF anti- doping

all being investigated by French police over allegations they were complicit in covering up Russian doping

From Russia with love? Officials set February 14 as date to have IAAF ban lifted by

  • Athletics

Valentine's Day next year has been set as the target for Russia to have its suspension from international athletics lifted, it has been revealed.

©Winter Meeting An inspection team led by Rune Andersen, a Norwegian independent international anti-doping

Association of Athletics FederationsNovember 2015: Innocent athletes shouldn't be punished due to Russian doping

IsinbayevaNovember 2015: All-Russia Athletics Federation President reveals they will admit to some doping

Bach "confident" Russia will clean up its act in time for Rio 2016

  • Athletics

the measures proposed by the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) in the wake of the country's athletics doping

suspended by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) yesterday after a World Anti-Doping

Agency (RUSADA) compliant with the WADA code and anti-doping regulations.Russian Olympic Committee President

All-Russia Athletics Federation (ARAF) and has promised that all officials and coaches implicated in doping

Zhukov has also backed calls to make the anti-doping system independent from sports organisations, which

of Athletics FederationsNovember 2015: Innocent athletes shouldn't be punished due to Russian doping