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Russia's suspension by IAAF "too severe" claims country's athletics chief

  • Athletics

Russia's suspension by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) was too harsh a punishment, according to the President of the All-Russia Athletics Federation (ARAF).

The country was sensationally banned yesterday in the aftermath of state-sponsored doping allegations

, revealed in an explosive report by the World Anti-Doping Agency's (WADA) Independent Commission.It

inspection team will now be spearheaded by Norwegian Rune Andersen, an independent international anti-doping

of Athletics FederationsNovember 2015: Innocent athletes shouldn't be punished due to Russian doping

resignationNovember 2015: All-Russia Athletics Federation President reveals they will admit to some doping

Russia suspended by International Association of Athletics Federations

  • Athletics

International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) for its alleged involvement in widespread doping

voted 22-1 to ban the All-Russia Athletics Federation (ARAF) following allegations in the World Anti-Doping

Agency (WADA) Independent Commission report that Russia was guilty of "state-supported" doping."

fix everything,"An inspection team led by Rune Andersen, a Norwegian independent international anti-doping

"We send a clear message to clean athletes in a dirty system to report any doping or cheating that they

in Rio de Janeiro following the country's suspension by the IAAF after claims of "state-supported" doping

Innocent athletes shouldn't be punished due to Russian doping scandal claims Isinbayeva

  • Athletics

Russia's two-time Olympic pole vault champion Yelena Isinbayeva has written a heartfelt letter urging the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) not to suspend her country.

said that athletes should not be tarred with the same brush following the publication of a World Anti-Doping

I have clearly and strictly observed, and continue to comply with, all the rules of the anti-doping campaign

resignationNovember 2015: All-Russia Athletics Federation President reveals they will admit to some doping

Liam Morgan: Ex-pros should steer clear of corrupt world of sporting governance

  • Inside the Blogs

If I could give one piece of advice to any professional sportsperson it would simply be this: don’t dare seek a career in the world of sporting governance once your career reaches its end.

of sport yet often contrive to do the exact opposite.The damning, shocking and explosive World Anti-Doping

President from Senegalese octogenarian Lamine Diack, who seemingly turned a blind eye to Russia’s systemic doping

heralded as a "spiritual leader", was covering it all up, by burying any allegation or accusation of doping

knows how many Russian athletes would have won gold at London 2012 without the apparent widespread doping

Russian Olympic Committee recommends Balakhnichev resignation

  • EOC

from his position as an Executive Committee member after being named as a key figure in athletics' doping

Balakhnichev resigned as President of the All-Russian Athletics Federation (ARAF) following a string of doping

broadcast on German television station ARD in December accused him of being involved in a systematic doping

by WADA’s Independent Commission on Monday (November 9) he was deemed "ultimately responsible" for doping

storiesNovember 2015: All-Russia Athletics Federation President reveals they will admit to some doping

they should not be banned from Rio 2016February 2015: Russian Athletics President to resign over doping

Russia will not boycott Rio 2016 if athletes are banned promises Sports Minister

  • Athletics

Games in Rio de Janeiro if the country's athletes are banned following allegations of "state-supported" doping

(IAAF) are due to hold a crucial meeting tomorrow to consider a recommendation from the World Anti-Doping

after he was ordered by Russian President Vladimir Putin to cooperate fully with international anti-doping

At the same time, we are firm in our position that anyone who has been caught in the use of banned [doping

2016November 2015: Head of Moscow laboratory quits after identified in WADA report as key figure in doping

from athletics community as he pledges to restore "trust and credibility"November 2015: Kremlin claims doping

Russian bank ends sponsorship deal with IAAF

  • Athletics

Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) but insisted the decision has nothing to do with the current doping

The All-Russia Athletics Federation (ARAF) is facing the threat of suspension after a World Anti-Doping

Agency Independent Commission found evidence of "state-supported" doping and recommended that they be

"No, this has nothing to do with the doping scandal in any way."

2016November 2015: Head of Moscow laboratory quits after identified in WADA report as key figure in doping

Mike Rowbottom: As the battle lines move back and forth, count the human cost

  • Inside the Blogs

This week, in the wake of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Independent Commission report which confirmed

and amplified the worst fears about systematic doping and corruption within Russian athletics- and

of the iceberg,” adding:  “Russia is not the only country and athletics is not the only sport with a doping

course of Olympic competition back in the days of the ancient Games, which involved early forms of “doping

do not restrict themselves to track and field.There are now fears that swimming may have a similar doping

Russia currently has 27 swimmers serving doping bans and earlier this year came within one anti-doping

world swimming ©Getty ImagesMeanwhile,  Arsenal’s manager Arsene Wenger has been speaking about the doping

Samples from 2015 FINA World Aquatics Championships to be removed from laboratory at centre of doping

  • Aquatics

Aquatics Championships in Kazan will be removed from the Moscow laboratory at the centre of athletics’ doping

scandal and stored in the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)-accredited laboratory in Barcelona.

this year from July 24 to August 9, during which 645 samples were collected for analysis by the FINA Doping

resignation of laboratory director Grigory Rodchenkov, who had been accused of covering up positive doping

"FINA upholds a strong and unequivocal stance on the practice of doping as we aim to eradicate doping

A total of 645 samples were collected for analysis by the FINA Doping Control Review Board during Kazan

scandalNovember 2015: Kremlin claims doping allegations in WADA report are "groundless"November 2015

Putin orders investigation as Bach hits out at "unbelievable" Diack

  • Athletics

Vladimir Putin has called for an investigation into allegations of systemic doping within Russian athletics

something he could "never have imagined".Putin, issuing his first direct response since the World-Anti-Doping

Minister Vitaly Mutko and "all colleagues connected with sport" to cooperate fully with international anti-doping

The struggle with doping in sports, unfortunately, remains a pressing issue and it requires unending

Related storiesNovember 2015: Bach claims fully independent anti-doping body is "more important than

2016November 2015: Head of Moscow laboratory quits after identified in WADA report as key figure in doping