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Bach claims fully independent anti-doping body "more important than ever"

  • Olympics

International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach has claimed an independent drugs testing system is "more important than ever" and believes it should be responsible for sanctioning as well as testing.

understands such an organisation could be financed by International Federations supporting the World Anti-Doping

"We should make more effort than ever to make the whole anti-doping system independent, including sanctioning

the WADA Independent Commission unveiled on Monday (November 9), which backed up claims of systemic doping

here.Related storiesNovember 2015: Greater budget required if WADA to set-up truly independent anti-doping

body, claims PoundOctober 2015: New independent anti-doping body to be considered following Olympic

Russian Athletics Federation promise to respond to WADA report but claim they should not be banned from Rio 2016

  • Athletics

Vadim Zelichenok today promised they would send their response to the allegations of corruption and doping

cover-ups published in the World Anti-Doping Agency Independent Commission but insisted they were not

Also, the report mentions a rather banal incident in which two athletes tried to get away from doping

storiesNovember 2015: Head of Moscow laboratory quits after identified in WADA report as key figure in doping

testing regime at Sochi 2014 despite Russian secret police monitoring labNovember 2015: Kremlin claims doping

groundless"November 2015: WADA dismissed as "idiots" by tainted director as accreditation of Moscow anti-doping

David Owen: Bleak report conveys why doping is 21st century sport’s weakest link

  • Inside the Blogs

Working through the 335 pages of the Independent Commission report into allegations of widespread doping

ability ever to ensure a pharmacological level playing-field in top-level sport.Even if you believe anti-doping

Monday ©Getty ImagesEvery time I think I have convinced myself that the shadowy and intrusive anti-doping

are using banned drugs and getting away with it than 15 or 20 years ago when the edifice of anti-doping

couple of further points:Having digested the report’s contents, I find it hard to believe that anti-doping

“The laboratory has been given until December 1 to bring itself up to standard by the World Anti-Doping

Diack resigns as honorary member of International Olympic Committee

  • Athletics

Lamine Diack has resigned as an honorary member of the International Olympic Committee following his arrest on corruption charges last week.

Athletics Federation (ARAF) and treasurer of the IAAF.Gabriel Dollé, the former director of the IAAF’s anti-doping

Diack corruption scandalNovember 2015: Diack son among group facing disciplinary action over Russian doping

Head of Moscow laboratory quits after identified in WADA report as key figure in doping scandal

  • Athletics

The head of Russia’s anti-doping laboratory has resigned, hours after it was stripped of its right to

A World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Independent Commission had called for a life ban for laboratory  

;director Grigory Rodchenkov, who had been accused of covering up positive doping tests, extorting

director of the Centre, was specifically identified in the report as an "aider and abettor" of the doping

 Grigory Rodchenkov appeared to resign as head of the anti-doping laboratory in Moscow following

One of the laboratory’s anti-doping specialists Mariya Dikunets will take over from Rodchenkov on

SportAccord set for key Extraordinary General Meeting ahead of ninth IF Forum

  • SportAccord News

A crucial moment in the history of SportAccord is set to take place here tomorrow with an Extraordinary General Meeting at which a proposed merger with SportAccord Convention will be discussed, followed by the opening of the ninth International Federations (IF) Forum.

duplication of those provided by other stakeholders" will also be considered.This could include the Doping

against the International Association of Athletics Associations (IAAF) included within the World Anti-Doping

Exclusive: Coe gets backing from athletics community as he pledges to restore "trust and credibility"

  • Athletics

when making a decision about whether or not to ban Russia following allegations of "state-sponsored" doping

All-Russia Athletics Federation (ARAF) was the key recommendation in the report published by the World Anti-Doping

Claims in the report of corruption and the cover-up of positive doping cases involving Russian athletes

possibilities for corruption, and 2) support for necessary changes to the organisation of the sport and anti-doping

systems at the national level with the aim of strengthening the fight against doping.

Related storiesNovember 2015: Kremlin claims doping allegations in WADA report are "groundless"November

IOC claim "no reason" to doubt drug testing regime at Sochi 2014 despite Russian secret police monitoring lab

  • Sochi 2014

There is "no reason" to question the credibility of the anti-doping testing regime carried out at Sochi

A report published yesterday by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Independent Commission had claimed

Therefore, the IOC has no reason to question the credibility of the results of the anti-doping tests

However, the IOC retaining all the doping samples for ten years, will retest samples in an appropriate

Committee (IOC) is closely monitoring the situation after the Independent Commission of the World Anti-Doping

Related storiesNovember 2015: Kremlin claims doping allegations in WADA report are "groundless"November

FIBA Medical Commission introduces changes designed to "keep basketball free of doping"

  • Basketball

s (FIBA) Medical Commission has introduced changes said to be designed to keep the sport "free of doping

growth of its 3x3 discipline, and determined what challenges may lay ahead from a medical and anti-doping

Supporting the growth of 3x3 basketball from a medical and anti-doping point of view is also considered

a priority as well as further enhancing FIBA's anti-doping programme, especially with regard to its

changes to the FIBA doping controls and education programmes.

point of view ©Getty ImagesAn extensive anti-doping programme carried out by FIBA last year confirmed

Astana Pro Team among 11 teams to retain WorldTour licences for 2016 season, UCI confirms

  • Cycling

Astana Pro Team are one of 11 teams to have retained their WorldTour licence for the 2016 season, the International Cycling Union (UCI) has confirmed.

independent Institute of Sport Sciences of the University of Lausanne (ISSUL) audit of the team’s anti-doping

culture, policies, structures and management systems, following several doping cases involving their

Alan Hubbard: Coe under the cosh now more than ever

  • Inside the Blogs

Sebastian Coe is under the cosh. More so than at any time in his career, on or off the track.

of pages of the newly-published report by the Independent Commission on behalf of the World Anti-Doping

Sections of the media he has offended by aggressively attacking their justified investigations into the doping

making a false start in accusing the media of making "a declaration of war" on athletics over the doping

sporting world he seems to have been somewhat naive.He continues to argue that athletics' response to doping

If ever.He is better than that.With cycling still failing to come to terms with doping despite lancing

WADA dismissed as "idiots" by tainted director as accreditation of Moscow anti-doping laboratory suspended

  • Olympics

The accreditation of Russia's drug testing laboratory in Moscow has been suspended by the World Anti-Doping

Report published yesterday, which highlighted how the Centre is non-compliant with the the World Anti-Doping

suspension, which takes effect immediately, prohibits the Centre from carrying out any WADA-related anti-doping

of the Moscow laboratory, was specifically identified in the report as an "aider and abettor" of the doping

as recommendations are acted upon and corrective action is taken to restore confidence in the anti-doping

Related storiesNovember 2015: Kremlin claims doping allegations in WADA report are "groundless"November

Kremlin claims doping allegations in WADA report are "groundless"

  • Athletics

Claims that Russia were involved in "state-supported" doping are groundless and not backed up by

Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko who has been accused by Richard Pound, the chairman of the World Anti-Doping

long-time ally, Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko, labelled as being "complicit" in the cover-up of Russian doping

Russian Athletic Federation will present to the IAAF the document that includes the Federation’s anti-doping

corruption scandalNovember 2015: Diack son among group facing disciplinary action over Russian doping

IPC vow to study WADA report as doubts cast over results at Sochi 2014 following claims of Russian Government interference

  • Sochi 2014

Findings published in the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Report will be taken "extremely seriously"

They vowed to "act accordingly" if any evidence of doping is found.Undertaken by a three-man Independent

founding WADA President, Richard Pound, the Report dealt specifically with allegations of systemic doping

athletics.Its findings, however, included the allegation that Russia's FSB secret police interfered in anti-doping

in biathlon and cross-country skiing, endurance sports which Pound claimed yesterday have "a lot of doping

If the IPC believes any anti-doping rule infringements have taken place then we will act accordingly.