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Six more Russian race-walkers suspended by IAAF after failing doping tests

  • Athletics

champion Elmira Alembekova is among six more Russian race-walkers to have been suspended for failing doping

Beijing, with the lone entrant, Alexander Yargunkin, ultimately not competing because of a positive doping

year to go until next year's Summer's Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.The news also comes as a World Anti-Doping

Agency Commission continues its investigation into allegations of "systematic doping" within Russian

this year.Related storiesAugust 2015: Race walking world champion to skip World Cup because of Russian doping

2015: IAAF opens investigation after Russia's Olympic champion racewalker reportedly competes during doping

UCI announce changes to team race radio use

  • Cycling

The International Cycling Union (UCI) has today announced that two-way communication between riders and teams will not only be allowed in the WorldTour, but also in class HC and class one events for elite men from next season. 

Tour de Pologne clashing with the Tour de France in July.Longer WorldTour licenses and mandatory anti-doping

of rebranding of governing body's imageMay 2015: Exclusive: Cycling chief Cookson supports calls for doping

reward to deter drug cheats, claims cycling legend BoardmanMarch 2015: UCI announce series of anti-doping

IOC accused of "astonishing omission" of human rights clause in Host City Contract for 2024 Olympics

  • Paris 2024

Not specifically mentioning human rights in its Host City Contract for the 2024 Games was an "astonishing omission" by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), not living up to the expectations created by the Agenda 2020 reform process, they have been told today.

Anti-doping, for instance, is mentioned in the preamble but no anti-match-fixing.

gives the impression that for the IOC, corruption destroying the competition is less damaging than doping

WADA hail "significant agreement" after signing deal with China to clamp-down on production of doping

  • News

A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and the General

It is claimed this marks a "significant breakthrough" in the joint law enforcement-anti-doping effort

of PEDs based on intelligence received from China, it is hoped, as well as enabling worldwide anti-doping

strides made in recent years by Government agencies and law enforcement in shutting down large scale doping

“This progress, in large part due to the relationship that the anti-doping community has forged with

these key allies, has helped prevent doping substances from reaching the hands of athletes."

International Cycling Union reveal major reforms

  • Cycling

Longer WorldTour licenses and mandatory anti-doping controls are among several changes which have been

requirements, which the UCI have developed in an effort to strengthen the integrity of teams and boost anti-doping

of rebranding of governing body's imageMay 2015: Exclusive: Cycling chief Cookson supports calls for doping

reward to deter drug cheats, claims cycling legend BoardmanMarch 2015: UCI announce series of anti-doping

measures following CIRC reportMarch 2015: Michael Pavitt: Report on doping in cycling lacks drama of

Two-times Olympian hit with provisional doping ban by UCI

  • Cycling

Two-times Olympian Blaza Klemencic of Slovenia has been provisionally suspended from competition by the International Cycling Union (UCI) after a sample she gave in 2012 tested positive for Erythropoietin (EPO).

similar suspension last month after his sample was also re-analysed ©Getty Images“As per the World Anti-Doping

“The strategy, implemented by the Cycling Anti-Doping Foundation (CADF), provides that samples from

UEFA denies doping problem in European football

  • Football

Europe's football governing body UEFA has denied the sport has a doping problem after questions were

Sunday Times and German broadcaster ARD, which have published a series of stories about alleged doping

Europa League players ©Getty Images"This study does not present any scientific evidence of potential doping

Furthermore, there was an inability to perform a second analysis as required now by the World Anti-Doping

UEFA has had a very thorough anti-doping programme for many years with more than 2,000 tests a year and

over time, thereby complementing existing direct anti-doping testing."

New key emerges for IAAF’s track-and-field treasure trove

  • The Big Read

There was news from the International Association of Athletics Federations this week which, while it may not have stirred the world’s media organisations into frantic response, will nevertheless have brought satisfaction to a significant proportion of the sport’s hard-core following – that is, athletics geeks.

the GDR Government had another mandatory element in the training of athletes, namely a systematic doping

UK Athletics’ independent review finds "no reason for concern" over Nike Oregon Project

  • Athletics

UK Athletics (UKA) today confirmed its announcement that the independent audit it set up into links with the Nike Oregon Project had found “no evidence of impropriety” on the part of Britain’s world and Olympic 5000 and 10,000 metre champion Mo Farah, who trains there under Alberto Salazar.

– head coach at the Project and an unpaid consultant with UK Athletics – had abused anti-doping

other British athletes and the Nike Oregon Project, whose head coach Alberto Salazar was the subject of doping

take forward and implement over the coming months.”Farah was questioned by the United States Anti-Doping

“USADA is clearly the right body to look at anti-doping issues.

June 2015: UK Anti-Doping decision to investigate BBC Panorama allegations concerning Mo Farah coach

WADA to co-host International Athlete Forum for 2020

  • News

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) will co-host the 2015 “International Athlete Forum for 2020” with

the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and the Japan Anti-Doping Agency

expected to address how the different regions have provided help and support in the fight against doping

messages onto a scroll.Related storiesSeptember 2015: South Korea pays six figure sum to World Anti-Doping

athletesAugust 2015: WADA praise global commitment after five new countries sign Convention against Doping

: Sir Craig Reedie claims no "undertakings" given to Russia over WADA investigation into systematic doping

WADA's Legacy Outreach Programme launched at ITU World Triathlon Grand Final in Chicago

  • Triathlon

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and the International Triathlon Union (ITU) have launched the second

providing additional support to International Federations (IFs) in order to develop and deliver anti-doping

I have no doubt that the ITU will be effective in carrying forward the message that doping is dangerous

matters.The United States' Sarah True says the anti-doping programme "reaffirms that clean sport is

Education is a key component of ensuring triathlon remains a doping free sport and is something we as

"To have an anti-doping programme like this launched at the World Triathlon Series Grand Final and World

Ferrari heads list of 61 Italians on WADA blacklist of coaches and physicians

  • Sports

supplied Lance Armstrong with performance-enhancing drugs, is among 61 Italians named on a World Anti-Doping

Agency (WADA) blacklist of 114 coaches, doctors and other sports support staff involved in anti-doping

rule sends a clear message to athletes: do not associate with individuals that have breached anti-doping

association list, which has been created based on case decisions and information provided by Anti-Doping

rule violation.Former US sprinter Jon Drummond, banned by the US Anti-Doping Agency with the help of

testimony from his athlete Tyson Gay, is among 36 sports support staff banned for life on a World Anti-Doping

another banned for life by WADA.British boxing trainer Phillip Tinklin, banned for life by UK Anti-Doping

South Korea pays six figure sum to World Anti-Doping Agency to help with fight to keep sport clean

  • News

Olympics in Pyeongchang in 2018, have donated an additional $200,000 (£130,000/€177,000) to the World Anti-Doping

The cash will be used towards the development of the Agency's new anti-doping administration and management

Most international federations and anti-doping organsations use ADAMS as a central database and the Koreans

is a tangible demonstration of Korea’s ongoing commitment to partner with WADA, and the broader anti-doping

“With this donation, we are helping tackle the complex issue of doping through financial support and

rule violation.UK Anti Doping confirmed that the 26-year-old tested positive for benzoylecgonine, a

IAAF President Coe predicts "bright future" for athletics in speech to staff

  • Athletics

Newly elected International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) President Sebastian Coe predicted a "bright future" for the sport in an address at the organisation's headquarters in Monaco today, and says he plans to oversee a "world class organisation which has respect across the sporting landscape".

offices in Monaco.He is starting work as President at a time when there are widespread allegations of doping

: Marathon world record holder Paula Radcliffe issues statement "categorically denying" any link to doping

Nick Butler: Evidence against Paula Radcliffe is far from conclusive but we should deal with doping cases

  • Inside the Blogs

scandal was the big sports politics story of the early-summer, the last two months have been all about doping

Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee of the British Parliament met in London to discuss blood doping

Representatives from the World and UK Anti-Doping Agencies were present as witnesses, along with Dr.

 Given the scale of the problem, any public discussion on doping is a good thing, although like

London Marathon...potentially British athletes”, being "under suspicion for very high levels of blood doping

But look at virtually every major doping scandal in history and it is journalists - occasionally with