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: Sir Craig Reedie claims no "undertakings" given to Russia over WADA investigation into systematic doping

  • Athletics

Claims that the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) promised Russia they would go "soft" on them in an investigation

President Richard Pound is currently investigating Russia over allegations of more recent systematic doping

storiesAugust 2015: IAAF applauds WADA decision to launch "‘urgent" investigation into latest doping

allegationsAugust 2015: Athletics Kenya and Russia’s Sports Minister Mutko deny latest doping allegationsFebruary

2015: IAAF will not "dance on grave" of Russia despite doping crisis, promises CoeFebruary 2015

receive sanction as part of investigationFebruary 2015: Russian Athletics President to resign over doping

David Owen: François Carrard and the key difference between the IOC and FIFA

  • Inside the Blogs

Much has been made of the appointment of a veteran of the International Olympic Committee (IOC)’s Salt Lake City crisis to chair the new body charged with drafting a package of reform proposals far-reaching enough to salvage FIFA’s battered reputation.

in the then Olympic city of Atlanta.He also played a key role in the early days of the World Anti-Doping

(WADA).Of Carrard’s contribution at a 2003 conference to pave the way for adoption of a World Anti-Doping

IAAF denies latest Sunday Times report that it "blocked" damning athlete survey at 2011 World Championships

  • Athletics

the 2011 World Athletics Championships in Daegu indicated that 29 to 34 per cent had violated anti-doping

German university's study was reportedly financed with £50,000 ($78,000/€70,000) from the World Anti-Doping

The IAAF has denied blocking publication of a report done among 1,800 athletes on doping issues at the

of the study was to assess the reliability of potential new methods of evaluating the prevalence of doping

Related storiesAugust 2015: IAAF hit back at claims anti-doping effort in athletics is worse than cyclingAugust

adverse samples from 2005 and 2007 World ChampionshipsAugust 2015: IAAF invite Harting to view anti-doping

IAAF hit back at claims anti-doping effort in athletics is worse than cycling

  • Athletics

Cycling is not spending as much as athletics to combat doping, the International Association of Athletics

they outlined how they spent more than $2 million (£1.8 million/€1.3 million) on its 2014 anti-doping

cycling, since the IAAF has the greatest respect for the work being done by the UCI in the field of anti-doping

collaboration between the two organisations in areas of experience sharing, trend-mapping and general anti-doping

Cycling champion Chris Froome has become the latest to criticse the IAAF anti-doping approach ©Getty

adverse samples from 2005 and 2007 World ChampionshipsAugust 2015: IAAF invite Harting to view anti-doping

Abeylegesse confirmed as one of "IAAF 28" as Pavey stands by for 10,000m world medal

  • Athletics

Elvan Abeylegesse stands to lose two Olympic silver medals, and one from the World Championships, after being officially named by the Turkish Athletics Federation as one of the 28 athletes for whom adverse findings were revealed by the International Association of Athletics Federations’ (IAAF) recent re-testing of samples from the 2005 and 2007 World Championships.

adverse samples from 2005 and 2007 World ChampionshipsAugust 2015: IAAF invite Harting to view anti-doping

betrayal" videoAugust 2015: Confederation of African Athletics defend Kenyan runners and hit back at doping

Exclusive: Bubka gets support of four countries in campaign to become IAAF President as Coe picks up first African country

  • Athletics

Sergey Bubka's campaign to be the next President of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) gathered momentum today as four countries publicly promised to vote for him in the elections in Beijing next week. 

especially today, makes him best suited to help the IAAF forge ahead successfully; his position on doping

the defence of the IAAF, and forward in his thinking about how we must deal with this real menace of doping

I support his vision of an independent body to superintend over anti-doping processes in athletics."

Proposal to stage separate forest and sprint World Championships passed by International Orienteering Federation

  • Non-Olympic Sports

A proposal to split the World Orienteering Championships into forest and sprint events in alternate years has been passed at an Extraordinary General Assembly of the International Orienteering Federation (IOF) in Inverness, Scotland, it has been announced.

was held, where IOF senior vice-president Leho Haldna spoke about the proposal to establish an anti-doping

Non, je ne regrette rien, insists Coe on "declaration of war" claims as scorned expert writes him open letter

  • Athletics

Sebastian Coe today insisted he stood by his claim that doping allegations levelled against athletics

Michael Ashenden was one of the two anti-doping experts enlisted by the Sunday Times who analysed leaked

letter of more than 2,000 words to Coe on Wednesday, Ashenden wrote: "Does the IAAF pursue its anti-doping

2007 World Championships in Helsinki and Osaka respectively. demonstrated their commitment to anti-doping

Why would we do that if we were not serious about dealing with doping?"

2008 that systematic doping might have penetrated Russian athletics?"

UK Anti-Doping to deliver Rugby World Cup 2015 drug testing programme

  • Rugby Sevens

UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) has been appointed to deliver the 2015 Rugby World Cup anti-doping testing programme

across all teams since the last Rugby World Cup in New Zealand four years ago.UKAD, a World Anti-Doping

Code signatory, will work in partnership with World Rugby to supply qualified and experienced doping

The appointment of a globally renowned anti-doping organisation to deliver the Rugby World Cup 2015

A targeted anti-doping testing programme has operated across all teams since the 2011 Rugby World Cup

World Rugby anti-doping rule violations are down year on year globally within the World Rugby testing

Enhanced IAAF re-testing discovers 28 athletes with adverse samples from 2005 and 2007 World Championships

  • Athletics

“Cutting edge” technology has enabled the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) to identify adverse findings from 28 athletes after the re-testing of stored urine samples from the 2005 and 2007 World Championships in Helsinki and Osaka respectively. 

has been ongoing for some time, and was started well before the most recent allegations regarding doping

The analysis has been enabled by the new World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Code, which extended the period

Helsinki World Championships, has involved long-term storage of samples at the Swiss Laboratory for Doping

“We are at the cutting edge of the fight against doping,” said Martial Saugy, Director of LAD.

“The latest scientific breakthroughs in anti-doping technology and analysis have been employed in the

Switzerland announce they will vote for Coe to become new IAAF President

  • Athletics

Switzerland has become the latest country to publicly declare it will vote for Sebastian Coe to become the new President of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF). 

campaign to become new IAAF PresidentAugust 2015: Bubka calls for athletics to lead way on tackling doping

electionAugust 2015: Canada, Denmark and Hungary latest countries to back Coe to become IAAF President amid doping

IAAF invite Harting to view anti-doping operation after YouTube "betrayal" video

  • Athletics

International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) had “betrayed” them by failing to combat doping

following the collapse of the Berlin Wall signed a letter admitting his part in systematic state doping

Harting to its offices or one of the competitions to see personally the federation's fight against doping

Therefore, we would love to welcome Robert Harting, whose no-nonsense anti-doping stance we greatly

to see personally what the equally passionate and committed personnel of the IAAF Medical and Anti-doping

Department are doing on a day to day basis in the fight against doping, rooting out the cheats and