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European Athletics President Hansen test drives "driving licence" anti-doping approach

  • Athletics

Svein Arne Hansen has outlined a new “driving licence” approach to anti-doping education to be put in

Hansen said he would like to see young athletes take part in a mandatory anti-doping education programme

“I will be asking our Medical and Anti-doping Commission to work together with our Member Federation

prior to the European Athletics Under-23 Championships in Estonia's capital Tallinn, where an anti-doping

the event is taking place.Participating athletes are invited to complete a quiz on their knowledge of doping

agency in Estonia, WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) and IAAF (International Association of Athletics

Gwangju 2015 student athletes take part in education programme aimed at developing a better image in media

  • Gwangju 2015

The International Sport Cooperation Centre of Korea (ISC) have hosted an education programme for student athletes taking part in the Gwangju 2015 Summer Universiade, under the theme “Champion’s Branding”.

sports network Eurosport, who held a session on “How to Behave towards Media”, while the World Anti-Doping

Agency (WADA) aimed to teach the athletes about the “FISU WADA-Gwagnju 2015 Anti-Doping Programme”.

Olympic TV Channel will use new approach to attract mainstream audiences, claims Bach

  • Olympics

Targeting a mainstream audience with a "different approach" to broadcasting sport has been revealed as a major aim of the Olympic TV Channel by International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach here today.

for educational programmes detailing training methods or scientific process regarding issues such as doping

Alan Hubbard: Rio 2016 will miss Vijender Singh and a Team GB women's football team

  • Inside the Blogs

Vijender Singh and a GB women’s football team may be as far apart as Bhiwani Junction and Clapham Junction but they have one thing in  common. Neither are on track for at the Olympic Games in Rio next year, albeit for very different reasons.

His car was found outside the dealer’s house in Zirakpur.But the National Anti-Doping Agency gave him

Nick Butler: Winning - still the hardest trick in sport today

  • Inside the Blogs

Breaking through and excelling as an athlete is a path strewn with potholes and obstacles, but the greatest challenge in professional sport is, as ever, simply managing to get over the finishing line and winning.

, closing in on a victory of huge significance for US distance-running following a torrid month of doping

National Lottery to finance Athletes' Fund in Trinidad and Tobago with "Going for Gold" project

  • PASO

A landmark "Going for Gold" project has been launched by the Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee (TTOC) in conjunction with the National Lotteries Control Board (NLCB) in order to raise funds for potential Olympians.

and Tobago relay team officially upgraded to London 2012 Olympic silver medals following Tyson Gay doping

banJune 2015: Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee Anti-Doping in Sport Act passed into lawMay 2015

Australian Dennis claims stage one of 2015 Tour de France with record-breaking time trial win

  • Cycling

Australia's Rohan Dennis produced the fastest individual time trial in Tour de France history to claim victory on the opening stage of the three-week long stage race and assume the leader's yellow jersey as the Grand Depart took place in Utrecht in The Netherlands.

failed a health test for low cortisol levels prior to participating in the stage.Although it is not a doping

and Tobago relay team officially upgraded to London 2012 Olympic silver medals following Tyson Gay doping

  • Athletics

Trinidad and Tobago’s 4x100 metres relay team have officially had their London 2012 bronze medal upgraded to silver following American sprinter Tyson Gay’s one-year ban for testing positive for anabolic steroids.

But team-member Richard Thompson claimed there are “flaws in the system” when it comes to doping in the

the IOC for its lack of urgency in the redistribution of medals stripped from athletes and teams for doping

they were awarded bronze after Canada were disqualified for a lane violation.Tyson Gay's one-year doping

redistribution processMay 2015: IOC confirm US men’s relay team stripped of London 2012 silver following Gay's doping

convictionMay 2015: IOC strips US men’s relay team of London 2012 medal in Gay doping case

Alan Hubbard: Do the public even care if athletes have taken drugs or not?

  • Inside the Blogs

I have absolutely no idea if Mo Farah is, or ever has been, on performance-enhancing drugs or whether his American coach Alberto Salazar has been systematically feeding them to his athletes.

I recall how back, in the nineties, the award-winning exposures of widespread international doping scandals

  Even more disturbing is the suspicion that fans doubt whether doping is such a heinous a crime

characters rather than cheats.British crowds greeted sprinter Dwain Chambers upon his return from a two-year doping

UK Anti-Doping decision to investigate BBC Panorama allegations concerning Mo Farah coach welcomed by

  • Athletics

UK Athletics has welcomed the decision of UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) to carry out an investigation into

But it has called on UKAD to make its findings public – which the anti-doping body has said it will

prosecution results from its investigations.Investigations are also being made by the United States Anti-Doping

conditions – the organisation’s chief executive Nicole Sapstead, commented: “WADA (the World Anti-Doping

UK Ant-Doping chief executive Nicole Sapstead has confirmed they are investigating allegations made about

"Our athlete support officer also ensures their anti-doping knowledge is reviewed and refreshed before