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Pakistan weightlifting chief claims athletes were told not to provide anti-doping samples

  • Weightlifting

Four weightlifters who have been charged with refusing to provide samples to anti-doping testers have

They were acting on advice from their own National Anti-Doping Organisation (ADOP), he said.Pakistan

Butt, Ghulam Mustafa, Abdur Rehman and Farhan Amjad, were charged under Article 2.3 of the IWF Anti-Doping

They only knew that WADA, IWF and ADOP are responsible for doping tests."

This incident happened only due to a misunderstanding between the chairman of ADOP and the ITA doping

I can never even think about violating doping rules."

ISU Congress could make 17 minimum age for figure skating as soon as 2024-2025 season

  • Figure Skating

The minimum age for figure skaters in senior competition will be increased to 17 from the 2024-2025 season, should a proposal on the matter be approved by the International Skating Union (ISU) Congress in June.

Olympics, where 15-year-old Russian Olympic Committee skater Kamila Valieva was at the centre of a doping

Matytsin claims Yekaterinburg 2023 postponement was to protect student sport

  • Yekaterinburg 2023

Russian Sports Minister and former International University Sports Federation (FISU) President Oleg Matytsin has claimed that the postponement of the 2023 Summer World University Games was to preserve the integrity of university sport.

position as FISU President until December 17 because of sanctions imposed on Russia by the World Anti-Doping

Agency over the cover-up of a state-sponsored doping programme.Double Olympic ice hockey gold medallist

Exclusive: Return to principles of Olympism key to Delić in bid to become ISU President

  • Skating

International Skating Union (ISU) Presidential hopeful Slobodan Delić believes the organisation needs to focus on developing well-rounded personalities in the sport to avoid a repeat of the drug scandal involving teenage Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva.

controversy at this year’s Winter Olympics in Beijing where Valieva, then aged 15, was at the centre of a doping

Filippatos elected EUBC President after second round of voting required

  • Boxing

Greece's Ioannis Filippatos has been elected European Boxing Confederation (EUBC) President in a second round of voting at the organisation’s Congress in Assisi.

and improve the safety of boxing in his speech.Filippatos currently chairs the IBA Medical and Anti-Doping

Nigerian athletics chief seeks to avoid more doping failings at Birmingham 2022

  • Birmingham 2022

(AFN) President Tonobok Okowa has spoken of his determination to ensure there is no repeat of past doping

Games.Nigeria is deemed to be in a Category A nation by the AIU, meaning it is seen as more susceptible to doping

and field team were excluded from Tokyo 2020 on the basis of Rule 15 of the National Federation Anti-Doping

event, any athlete from a Category A country needs to face at least three no-notice, out-of-competition doping

Last year, the AFN set up a medical and anti-doping commission with the aim of ensuring "appropriate

Exclusive: World Athletics confirms up-to-date RusAF payments as planned audit offers way forward

  • Athletics

World Athletics has confirmed that the Russian Athletics Federation (RusAF) is now fully up to date with all of its overdue payments for costs related to work on its reinstatement. 

October to establish the cultural change that has taken place in Russian athletics as regards anti-doping

the participation of different focus groups, which should determine the degree of change in the anti-doping

FISU suspends Yekaterinburg hosting rights for 2023 World University Games

  • Universiade

The International University Sports Federation (FISU) has announced that it has postponed Yekaterinburg's hosting rights for next year's Summer World University Games in response to the war in Ukraine.

President in November 2015 before agreeing to step aside in March last year for the duration of World Anti-Doping

Chief executive Gray to leave International Tennis Integrity Agency

  • Tennis

The International Tennis Integrity Agency (ITIA) has confirmed that its chief executive Jonny Gray will be leaving the organisation later this year. 

professional tennis standards worldwide, also became responsible for the administration of the Tennis Anti-Doping

(sic) was to oversee the change from TIU to ITIA and the subsequent integration of the Tennis Anti-Doping

British boxer Bowes banned for four years over doping violation

  • Boxing

British professional boxer Philip Bowes has been banned for four years following an anti-doping rule

(SARM).The drug is designed to have similar effects to testosterone and is banned under World Anti-Doping

light-welterweight titles.Bowes was beaten by Ennis-Brown via a unanimous decision.He was charged by UK Anti-Doping

supplement.The boxer was given a four-year ban on August 5 last year by the independent National Anti-Doping

Birmingham-bound athletes among Pakistan weightlifters charged with doping offences

  • Birmingham 2022

Pakistan faces a lengthy ban from weightlifting after six members of its national team were charged with doping

Pakistan.He has been provisionally suspended after being charged under Article 2.3 of the IWF Anti-Doping

covers "evading, refusing or failing to submit to sample collection".The ITA, which carries out all anti-doping

intelligence when it carried out its tests.The charges were the result of "a joint ITA and World Anti-Doping

activity either at the international or national level organised by any signatory of the World Anti-Doping

to $500,000.The severity of the punishment depends on "both the seriousness of the underlying anti-doping

Duncan Mackay: "Dirtiest race in history" continues to fascinate as deaths of key figures shine light on it again

  • Inside the Blogs

The 1988 Olympic 100 metres final in Seoul is probably the most controversial race ever run. 

 "I knew that other people were doping, and I had the decision of whether I should do it or not,

Like Lewis, Christie has always tried to portray himself as an anti-doping crusader, despite his chequered

 Christie never appreciated it being pointed out that his own record on doping was far from perfect

heartily when I told him about the reactions of Christie and Mitchell to stories I had done about their doping