Beatrice_Allen_head_and_shouldersFebruary 3 - A court in Banjul has postponed hearing an embezzlement case involving International Olympic Committee member Beatrice Allen, who is also the Acting President of the Gambian National Olympic Committee (GNOC).

But the prosecution claimed the investigation of Allen, GNOC treasurer Ousman Wadda and accounts officer Muhammed Janneh was continuing.

The three deny charges of embezzling $1,500 (£950)

The 60-year-old Allen, a member of the International Olympic Committee's (IOC) Coordination Commission for Rio 2016, said in an affidavit obtained by the Associated Press that the trio were "completely innocent" of the charges and were being targeted because of their intention to report what she called the mismanagement of $100,000 (£62,000) by the GNOC.

The money was given to the GNOC by the Commonwealth Games Fund (CGF) and was meant to be used to prepare Gambian athletes for the 2010 Commonwealth Games in New Delhi last October, according to Allen.

"The accounts showed that these funds were mismanaged and a report was due to be sent to the CGF in respect of the mismanagement of this sum," Allen stated in the affidavit that was filed on January 24, three days after her arrest, and sent to the High Court of Gambia, according to Associated Press.

"I believe that the decision to prosecute us might be linked to these issues.

I believe that we are being victimised to prevent the elections and the report being sent."

The GNOC is due to choose a new president on February 12 in the first contested GNOC leadership election. 

The GNOC is seeking to replace Lang Tombong Tamba, who was also Chief of Defence Staff for Gambia's armed forces, who has been sentenced to death in his alleged role in a coup to oust the country's Government in 2006.

In her affidavit, Allen said it had been decided at a meeting three days before her arrest to report the missing $100,000.

Allen, Wadda and Janneh were granted bail on Januar 24 after a judge reversed a decision to send them to jail and their case was adjourned on Wednesday until February 17 - five days after the elections are due to be held.

The IOC have warned the Gambian Government that they are risking getting the country suspended from London 2012 if they are suspected of interfering the GNOC elections.

Related stories
January 2011: IOC issue stern warning to Gambia over Allen affair
January 2011: IOC member charged with theft but denies allegations
October 2010: Gambian Olympic President sentenced to death