The Youth in Action programme took place in Cyprus. Engso Youth and Sarah Campion

It has been revealed that around 30 individuals had the chance to take part in an international event under the Youth in Action programme, organised and led by ENGSO Youth in Larnaca, Cyprus, on 8 May.

The primary aim was to provide skills and insights into youth involvement in the sports industry. EUSA was represented by two members of the Student Commission, Reka Molnar and Jan Sobczak, along with two current European Solidarity Corps volunteers at EUSA, Marta Studzinska and Heloise Bargeot.

The training course kicked off on 8 May and lasted for four day, with the morning session dedicated to outdoor activities, including various physical games and team-building exercises facilitated by ENGSO Youth. In the afternoon, participants delved into mechanisms for youth participation in European institutions.

Christina Yiannapi, Secretary General of Cyprus Youth Council, outlined the structure of the Youth Council and its co-management arrangement with the Council of Europe. Following this, Christiana Xenofontos, Vice President of the European Youth Forum, introduced resources designed to evaluate and enhance youth involvement in decision-making processes.

The second day commenced with an engaging session focusing on human rights and inclusion, followed by participants sharing their organisational insights and strategies for engaging youth in decision-making processes. In the afternoon, a "walk and talk" session allowed participants to further connect and exchange experiences and best practices from their respective organisations and programs.

The Youth in Action event took place in Larnaca on 8 May. Engso Youth and Sarah Campion
The Youth in Action event took place in Larnaca on 8 May. Engso Youth and Sarah Campion

During the third day, morning sessions included both outdoor and indoor activities focusing on advocacy, where participants explored its mechanisms and strategies. In the afternoon, the Youth in Action program participants traveled to Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus, to visit the Home for Cooperation. Located in the Buffer Zone between the Cypriot and Turkish parts of the island, the Home for Cooperation serves as a collaborative space for dialogue, creation, and coexistence.

Participants engaged in group activities on the fourth day aimed at developing mechanisms for youth involvement in decision-making, customised to different types of sports and youth organisations operating at local, national, or European levels. Each group, comprising individuals from diverse countries, work environments, and backgrounds, collaborated towards a shared goal. The day concluded with a cultural exchange, during which participants shared culinary delights from their respective countries and participated in cultural dances and traditions.

The last day kicked off with an outdoor session focusing on communication skills, followed by group presentations of their final work, detailing strategies and mechanisms for youth involvement across various organisational tiers. In the afternoon, a session encouraged reflection on the week's lessons and how participants could implement their newfound knowledge within their respective organisations.