Gil Roberts has been handed another eight-year suspension by the USADA for testing positive to banned substances.

US gold medallist Gil Roberts was handed an eight-year suspension after testing positive for banned substances for a second time, said the US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) in a press release. 

This is the second time the sprinter has been sanctioned by the organisation, and the third time he has failed a drug test. Roberts, in an out-of-competition drug test, postively tested for ostarine, RAD-140, and metabolites of ligandrol and SR9009 in September 2023. He previously tested positive for andarine and ostarine in 2022, and probenecid in 2017.

Roberts was not sanctioned in 2017 after it was found he ingested a banned substance by kissing his girlfriend, who had been taking medication for a sinus infection which contained probenecid.

Ostarine, RAD-140, and LGD-4033 are non-specified substances in the class of Anabolic Agents, and SR9009 is a non-specified substance in the class of Hormone and Metabolic Modulators. All four substances and their metabolites are prohibited at all times under the USADA Protocol for Olympic and Paralympic Movement Testing, the United States Olympic Committee National Anti-Doping Policies, and the World Athletics Anti-Doping Rules, all of which have adopted the World Anti-Doping Code (the Code) and the World Anti-Doping Agency Prohibited List.

"All athletes deserve a level playing field so that their hard work and talent are rewarded," said USADA CEO Travis T. Tygart in the agency's official press release. “Strategic testing helps to both deter doping and hold accountable those who intentionally violate the rules, and it’s important that we apply the full force of the rules to ensure these bad actors can’t continue to corrupt sport at any level of competition.”

The athlete’s eight-year period of ineligibility began on 18 October 2023 —the date he was provisionally suspended. In addition, Roberts has been disqualified from any competitive results on and after September 20, 2023, the date of his positive test, including forfeiture of any medals, points, and prizes.

Roberts was a member of the United States' gold medal-winning 4x400m relay team at the Rio 2016 Olympics.