Spyros Capralos nominated to renew EOC mandate. GETTY IMAGES

The General Assembly of the Hellenic Olympic Committee (HOC)has unanimously nominated President Capralos to renew his mandate with the European Olympic Committees (EOC). The Greek will seek re-election at the Elective General Assembly to be held in Frankfurt from 28 February to 1 March 2025.

The General Assembly of the Hellenic Olympic Committee (HOC)has voted unanimously to nominate President Spyros Capralos for a second term as President of the European Olympic Committees (EOC).

After receiving the full support of the HOC members, President Capralos will stand for a second four-year term as EOC President at the Elective General Assembly to be held in Frankfurt, Germany, from 28 February to 1 March 2025.

Capralos was elected President of the EOC in 2021 for a four-year term. Under his leadership, the EOC has increased its support for Europe's National Olympic Committees (NOCs) and successfully organised the2023 European Games in Krakow-Malopolska.

He was also instrumental in two European Youth Olympic Festivals, one summer and one winter, and in securing the designation of Istanbul as the host city of the 2027 European Games four years in advance.

IOC member Spyros Capralos hands the Olympic torch to Tony Estanguet during the handover ceremony of the Olympic Flame on April 2024. GETTY IMAGES
IOC member Spyros Capralos hands the Olympic torch to Tony Estanguet during the handover ceremony of the Olympic Flame on April 2024. GETTY IMAGES

In addition to these significant events, a comprehensive strategic plan has been adopted to guide the work of the organisation, significant reforms have been implemented to improve the governance of the EOC and a new CEO has recently been appointed.

President Capralos, who has led the HOC since 2009 and was elected as an IOC member in 2019, expressed his gratitude to the HOC General Assembly: "I am extremely honoured to receive this unanimous support from the members of the Hellenic Olympic Committee to run for a second term as President of the EOC."

"I am very proud of what we have achieved for the European NOCs since I became EOC President in 2021 and the EOC is in a very strong position to ensure that we make the most of this exciting time for European sport," said Capralos.

"It is a great privilege to have led the HOC and the EOC with the confidence of the members and I remain determined to continue serving the Olympic Movement in the years to come," concluded the Greek, who competed in the 1980 Moscow and 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games.