Eufemiano Fuentes is alledged to have produce doping programmes for athletes. GETTY IMAGES

The Spanish Olympic Committee has firmly rejected allegations that the government authorised doping practices ahead of the 1992 Barcelona Olympics. They have stated that such claims are baseless and unsubstantiated, emphasising their commitment to clean sports.

Disgraced Spanish doctor Eufemiano Fuentes, implicated in cycling's doping scandals, was quoted as saying by German broadcaster ARD that the Spanish government had no scruples about making the Games a success in his own country in 1992. 

He said he was told, "Do whatever you have to do, but we want medals." In response, the COE issued a statement denying the accusations, asserting, "The commitment to clean sport, transparent and free of doping, and to care for the health of athletes, is the essence of the values defined in the Olympic Charter and in the rules of the Spanish Olympic Committee to which all athletes and members are subject.

"The Spanish Olympic Committee has never tolerated, much less induced, any conduct whatsoever that might violate the values of sport, of the Olympic spirit or which may alter the result of a competition or put athletes’ health at risk. Moreover, the Spanish Olympic Committee has always supported harsher sanctions for doping.

Eufemiano Fuentes is alledged to have produce doping programmes for athletes. GETTY IMAGES
Eufemiano Fuentes is alledged to have produce doping programmes for athletes. GETTY IMAGES

"Furthermore, Spanish Olympic athletes, throughout history, have always been subject to the same anti-doping rules and controls as other international Olympic athletes, in accordance with the regulations defined by the competent authorities at all times.

"We reject any accusation that attempts to question the clean record, integrity and transparency of Spanish Olympians, and in the strongest possible terms when such accusation is based on the word of an individual whose career in the world of sport has been utterly discredited.

"The Barcelona Olympic Games were an organisational, sporting and social success and are considered, not just in Spain but also far beyond our borders, one of the greatest Games in history. We also reject any accusation whatsoever that, taking advantage of the passage of time, attempts to cast an unfounded cloud of suspicion before which the COE cannot remain silent.

"Finally, we defend and have full confidence in the work of Cayetano Cornet as Chef de Mission of the Spanish Olympic team in Paris, whose prestige is firmly established at international level."