IBA Board reaffirms its plans for the future. GETTY IMAGES

Last Thursday, the association held an online meeting to discuss the short, medium and long-term strategic plan. The result of the meeting was a document, the main idea of which is the continuation of the same path. "There is no other organisation like the IBA that works at the highest level," said President Umar Kremlev.

It was the last online meeting of the IBA Board. The next meeting will be held in person in Havana, Cuba. The meeting was used to discuss the organisation's Q3-Q4 Strategic Review. This is a projection of the future of boxing from a short, medium and long term perspective. 

The overview document and strategic plan was developed by an executive group led by IBA President Umar Kremlev and presented to the Board by General Secretary and CEO Chris Roberts OBE.

"Our boxing family shouldn't be afraid of anything," Kremlev told the Board. "We know where we want to go and we know how to get there. Everyone can see what we are doing and what we are capable of. Our major events, the World Championships and Champions' Nights, remain a clear vision of our capabilities," he said.

Subkhankulov returns to UFA Champions' Night. IBA
Subkhankulov returns to UFA Champions' Night. IBA

"There is no other organisation like the IBA that works at the highest level and creates the conditions for success in connection with our national federations, athletes and coaches. Misinformation from other organisations to our National Federations is just sad on their part, whereas we simply point out the truth. That is our way forward," he added.

Therefore, the IBA will continue on the same path it has been on. This is the main idea that came out of last Thursday's board meeting.

"We are strong and working hard to ensure the best future for our boxers and national federations," added IBA Vice President Abdulmutalim Abakarov. "We have faced many attacks on the IBA, but our actions show our strength. When we put the facts on the scale, no other organisation can compare."

Chris Roberts, CEO of the IBA. IBA
Chris Roberts, CEO of the IBA. IBA

Chris Roberts OBE in turn stressed that the strategic document being produced by the executive group is a definition of where the IBA is, where we are going and where the organisation will be by the end of the year and into 2025. The plans are based on short, medium and long-term perspectives.

"The IBA is an excellent, independent organisation. It has all the necessary tools to ensure the best for boxing around the world," said the IBA CEO. "We will give 100% of our attention to the development and education of boxing worldwide. 

"We are strong and we support our national federations on a daily basis. Indeed, we look forward to an exciting 2025 with new projects for our people," he concluded.