By Tom Degun in Baku

ataholding_and_fila_26-09-11September 26 - Azerbaijani investment company AtaHolding have signed an extension for their sponsorship agreement with the International Wrestling Federation (FILA), which will run from 2013 to 2017.

AtaHolding - who are headquartered here in Baku - has been the main sponsor of FILA since 2008 when the signed a four-year sponsorship agreement but this has been extended so that it will now include both the London 2012 Olympics and Rio 2016 Games where the sport of wrestling is on the programme.

The AtaHolding, the agreement was signed by FILA President Raphaël Martinetti and AtaHolding chairman Farid Asadov and involves various competitions such as the World Championships, World Cup and the European Championships.

"Sponsoring of the International Wrestling Federation by the AtaHolding will improve further the image of our independent state in the world and strengthening its international authority," Asadov said.

"On the other hand, an Azerbaijani company's participation as sponsor of an international sports organisation is an indicator of Azerbaijan's economic development, the increase of its power and the formation of strong national companies.

"AtaHolding considers the issue of support of sports as part of its policy on corporate social responsibility.

"Signing of this agreement is another clear indication of our attention to this area."

Wrestling has been Azerbaijan's most successful sport since they made their Olympic debut at Atlanta in 1996. 

Wrestlers from the former Soviet Union Republic have won seven Olympic medals, including two gold thanks to freestyle competitors Namig Abdullayev at Sydney in 2000 and Fuad Aslanov at Athens four years later.

"We express our appreciation to Azerbaijani company AtaHolding," added the FILA President Martinetti.

"The agreement between AtaHolding and FILA is a great contribution to the development of wrestling around the world.

"We express our deep gratitude to the management of AtaHolding for the care and attention displayed to this kind of sports."

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