Summer Sports

New role for former UK Athletics chief executive


altOCTOBER 27 - DAVID MOORCROFT (pictured), the former chief executive of UK Athletics, has been appointed as the chairman of a new personal fitness training company that is hoping to encourage people to get active in the build-up to London 2012, it was announced today.

UK Athletics confirm departure of Collins


altSEPTEMBER 1 - UK ATHLETICS today announced that Dave Collins (pictured) had been sacked as the performance director after they failed to meet their medal target at the Beijing Olympics, as predicted on insidethegames yesterday.

Women's boxing could be introduced at London 2012


altAUGUST 18 - WOMEN'S boxing could be introduced at the 2012 Olympics in London after the International Boxing Association (AIBA) confirmed it would press for its introduction, as first reported on insidethegames nearly two years ago.

Britain to battle Ireland for boxing medals


AUGUST 21 - BRITAIN will set aside its Olympic rivalry with Australia for a day at least tomorrow when instead the focus will be on Ireland as the two country's go head-to-head in two semi-finals of the boxing tournament.