Alan Hubbard: Cold comfort for Coe over his non-boycott plea for Beijing 2022

Alan Hubbard

No one should be surprised to learn that Lord Sebastian Coe is vehemently opposed to boycotts. He made this abundantly clear yet again in a recent interview with the Today Programme when asked whether the upcoming Winter Olympics in Beijing should be shunned because of China's wretched record on human rights, culminating in the ongoing mystery over the welfare of its leading female tennis player, Peng Shuai.

Alan Hubbard: China's Peng Pong Diplomacy underscores the political power of sport

Alan Hubbard

The fact that it needed International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach to make personal contact with the Chinese tennis star Peng Shuai and assure the world of her safety is a further example of how sport has established itself as a political player on the world stage. The mystery of her apparent temporary disappearance may remain unsolved for the moment but at least she appears to be in good health, physically at least.