
WADA hints at appeal against Operation Puerto trial

By Emily Goddard

Eufemiano Fuentes 300413April 30 - The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has said it is disappointed with a decision made by the judge in Spain's "Operation Puerto" doping trial to destroy all the evidence from the case instead of making it available to other sports bodies and has hinted it is considering an appeal.

US Government file papers in Armstrong lawsuit

By Duncan Mackay

Lance Armstrong in yellow jersey with US Postal Services logoApril 23 - Court documents have been officially filed by the United States Government against Lance Armstrong, accusing him of defrauding the Postal Service by taking millions of dollars in sponsorship money while taking banned performance-enhancing drugs.

Sir Chris Hoy officially announces retirement

By James Crook

151700632April 18 - The most successful Olympic cyclist of all-time, Sir Chris Hoy, has today announced his retirement from international competition after winning six Olympic gold medals and 11 world titles, ruling out a homecoming appearance at next year's Commonwealth Games in Glasgow at the Velodrome bearing his name.