IOC backs WADA in swimming scandal

IOC backs WADA in swimming scandal

Despite growing criticism from many in the sport world and American groups specifically, the International Olympic Committee validated the World Anti-Doping Agency’s independent report in the case of 23 positive tests from China and expressed its "full confidence" in the global watchdog.

Dick Pound chimes in USADA-WADA war of words

Dick Pound chimes in USADA-WADA war of words

The former World Anti-Doping Agency President discussed the fall-out from the Chinese swimmers doping scandal and accused the agency from the other side of the border of seeking to undermine the global body with "lies and distortions".

The basic facts of the WADA - Chinese swimmers scandal

The basic facts of the WADA - Chinese swimmers scandal

The World Anti-Doping Agency has faced fierce backlash over its handling of positive test results from China's swimming team ahead of the 2021 Olympic Games. Accusations of a cover-up by national associations, "fake news" dismissals by China and denial of any double standard by the global watchdog ensued.