Young Reporters Programme

FISU encompasses more than university sport competitions and the Young Reporters Programme exemplifies this. During every Universiade, aspiring sports journalists are chosen to cover the 12 days of competition - FISU/AIPS

Since the programme began at the Summer Universiade 2011, the Young Reporters Programme has been a smashing success. The young journalists bring a fresh perspective to the storytelling medium. The students have full credential access to the Athletes' Village and competition venues, just like any other professional journalist. With this access, the young reporters have shown an uncanny ability to take audiences behind the scenes, discovering diamond-in-the-rough storylines.

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Bringing Fresh Eyes and Energy to the Sports Journalism Game

The reporting skills young reporters acquire from reporting live to a television audience in hand, or having to write a feature story on a hard deadline is something that cannot be taught in the classroom.

Wanting to report in such a way that the words go from the sports section and grabs your audience's attention is pressure similar to stepping into the Universiade arena on game day.

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A Young Reporter Rising to the Challenge

During the Summer Universiade 2015, a student reporter from the Czech Republic, Lucie Hrdlickova, answered this challenge. The young reporter met in the stadium stands with the day's silver medallist from the 100 metres hurdles, Michelle Jenneke of Australia.

Instead of just focusing the video interview on the Australian’s podium-winning performance, the young reporter chats with Jenneke on her attention-grabbing warm-up routine. The energy between the interviewer and athlete is infectious. The video goes viral.

Sports fans got to witness a young athlete basking in the glow of the Universiade. One of those watching and loving what they were seeing from the young reporter was the national Czech television channel, who hired Hrdlickova as a reporter after the Universiade.

For student reporters, school is still in session.

While the afternoon and evenings at the World University Games are spent chasing down story leads and editing articles, the young reporters are not outside the school scene entirely. To accelerate the learning of best practices, student reporters attend morning lectures on media-related topics taught by sports reporting veterans.

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What the Young Reporters Say About the Programme

By the end of the Universiade, the young reporters surely drank too much coffee to stay awake and probably skipped lunch a few times to get a scoop on a tasty story instead. The young journalists are unanimous as far as the experience goes: "It was awesome."

Or, as the Summer Universiade 2013 young reporter from Australia, Thomas Dullard put it: "This was real life stuff, real life challenges with real deadlines. I would not hesitate telling any budding journalist to get involved with FISU."

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Young reporters at Chengdu 2021

Twenty-four journalists took part in the programme at the Chengdu 2021 Summer World University Games, which were held in 2023 because of delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Half of the young reporters were from host nation China with the other half from overseas.

They all participated in a ceremony at the Main Media Centre to mark the start of their work experience at the event.  

Four young reporters returned to the programme after they also worked at the Winter World University Games in Lake Placid in January 2023.

"I hope we all brought a lot of curiosity and excitement to Chengdu, to delve for the hidden stories of these Games, being unafraid of making mistakes, laughing about them together, because that's what this programme is about: learning from mistakes and growing as a professional," Annika Saunas, one of the returning reporters, said.

Riccardo Romani from AIPS and FISU's Michel Bélanger and Stéphane Jobin served as mentors for the young reporters in Chengdu.

FISU secretary general and chief executive Eric Saintrond spoke proudly of the initiative and how it ties to the organisation's education mandate by "helping to train the next generation of sports media".

"This start to the FISU-AIPS Young Reporters Programme provided the perfect, energetic start to what will be a busy two weeks for this talented group of 24 reporters," FISU said after the media centre ceremony.

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Young reporters at Lake Placid 2023

Six young reporters took on roles at the 2023 Winter World University Games in Lake Placid in New York.

Those named were Julieta Boschiazzo of Argentina, Miha Trošt of Slovenia, Annika Saunus of Germany, Diana Hong  of South Korea, Christopher Benítez Cuartas of hosts the United States and Louis Gilles of France.

While leveraging their writing, interview, and video journalist skills to cover events across Lake Placid was their primary role, participants also take part in lectures delivered by experienced journalists, broadcasters and media experts. 

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The international young reporters at Krasnoyarsk 2019

FISU hosted its fifth Young Reporters Programme at the Winter Universiade 2019 in Krasnoyarsk between March 2 and 12.

It was the first time the Programme was held at a Winter Universiade.

With all four previous editions being a genuine success, FISU had a tough selection process to choose six aspiring young journalists to bring the premiere winter university sports event to an international audience.

Those chosen were Danielle Allentuck of the United States, Marilyne Plante of Canada, Peter Lynch of Great Britain, Sonika Aryal of Nepal, Laykin Rudolph of South Africa and James Oana of Australia.

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Young Reporters at the Taipei 2017 Summer Universiade 

The Young Reporters Programme for Taipei was a talented mix of 12 students and recent graduates. With a gender equal split of reporters from the five continents of Africa, America, Asia, Oceania and Europe, the team was a strong one to fill the airwaves and articles.

The journalists were expected to file three human interest topics a day, with Universiade sport competition only as a "fil rouge" throughout the stories. In other words, no game reports!

They learnt their craft with advice from the likes of's Michael Pavitt.

For more on the Young Reporters Programme from Taipei, check out this document.

FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy

From helping run the Universiade Athletes’ Village to ensuring a fantastic fan experience, it’s volunteers who make university sport competitions come to life. The FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy trains university students on the skills and areas of expertise it takes to host international championship events.  

FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy in 2023

The 2023 FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy took place online between September 7 and 9.

During the sessions participants learned about topics including FISU, volunteer management, leadership skills and the organisation’s Ambassadors' Programme.

Speakers included FISU Acting President Leonz Eder, secretary general and chief executive Eric Saintrond, FISU Oceania secretary general Donna Spethman and acting national secretary for the Nigerian University Games Association Chidiebere Ezeani.

The leaders' academy session also marked the start of the FISU Ambassadors' Programme, with candidates nominated by national and continental university sports federations set to be assigned to the roles for a year.

As part of their roles, the ambassadors will develop and work on action plans to help the development of university sport in their respective countries.

"More than 90 per cent of FVLA participants are new this year, so they only start exploring a whole new world of university sport with FISU and its events," said Albina Rakhmatullina, the FISU student ambassadors programme coordinator.

"I am so happy to guide them and to see them making friends from all over the world. The end of FVLA is only the start of the FISU Student Ambassadors' Programme, the best is yet to come."

As well as the FVLA online sessions, seven National Volunteer Leaders Academies have been established to provide additional opportunities for leaders in Argentina, Chile, Croatia, Brazil, South Korea, Iran and Portugal.

FISU student ambassadors were involved in the celebrations for the International Day of University Sport on September 20, and will take part in various educational and cultural webinars.

FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy in 2022

In June, the first phase of the 2022 FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy began and took place virtually, as it has done since 2020.

Excellence, teamwork, innovation, the joy of sport and integrity are all values which were highlighted during Academy sessions that aimed to build a global volunteer community. 

This community is then able to share best practices in volunteer projects, that elevate the delivery of all types of sports events. 

An introductory session included an Opening Ceremony with FISU Acting President Leonz Eder.

FISU education manager Julien Buhajezuk acted as the meeting's moderator. 

This was followed by an overview of the news from FISU with secretary general Eric Saintrond, and education and development coordinator Olivia Margain. 

Team building and a review of the 2021-2022 FISU Student Ambassadors programme rounded out the session.

In September 2022, the second phase of the Volunteers Leaders Academy took place.

This brought together participants from over 70 countries from around the world.

Eder was among the experts that delivered sessions and presentations on a series of topics on the opening day.

The 2022 edition began online in June, before concluding in September ©FISU
The 2022 edition began online in June, before concluding in September ©FISU

Among the subjects included was FISU events, student engagement with National and Continental University Sports Federations, media and communications best practices and development of personal action plans as FISU student ambassadors.

Saintrond also participated before a cultural programme brought the first day to an end.

The second and final day saw students address subjects including volunteer management, an introduction to the FISU Student Committee and insights from experienced leaders and athletes in university sport.

There was also a review of the FISU Student Ambassador Programme and time to consider possible projects on educational and community activities, local FVLAs, sporting events, volunteering management and gender equality.

"I liked all the sessions but especially I like the idea of the action plan," said Cyprus participant Simoni Kyriakou 

"I really enjoy because it gives me the opportunity to discuss things with my federation.

"At the conclusion, participants were welcomed as new FISU student ambassadors and with the experience of FVLA these young leaders are now in a great position to contribute further to the university sport movement around the world."

FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy in 2021

The 2021 FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy was again held online, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Russian city Kazan was initially due to serve as host.

A first online meeting was held in June, which gathered students and speakers from across the world to discuss leadership and volunteers management within the framework of international sport.

Discussions included an introduction to FISU, lectures on leadership and presentations on best practice for the student ambassadors programme.

A three-day online meeting was then held in September, which attracted 126 participants.

Included on day one of the programme were workshops, seminars on volunteering and leadership, the sharing of sporting best practices and event management, and presentations on FISU programmes.

An Opening Ceremony featured an introduction video and the Russian and FISU anthems.

There was a virtual flag parade and a welcome message from Leonz Eder, the Acting President of FISU.

Day two began with two sessions to choose from.

These were presentations of the FISU Students Committee or "Media Work in the University Sports World".

A session on leadership best practices, with a focus on the emergence of young leaders, was also held.

This was moderated by Joshua Miethke and Oyunbileg Zorigoo, members of the FISU Student Committee, and Penninah Aligawesakabenge, the head of the sports and recreation department of Makerere University. 

Tatiana Nikulina moderated a session on volunteering, which included the experiences of former volunteers.

Elena Mekushina, who represents Britain, presented the FISU student ambassador plan step-by-step. 

Yoga was a big part of the virtual FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy in 2021 ©FISU
Yoga was a big part of the virtual FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy in 2021 ©FISU

Throughout the whole day, yoga sessions were held to teach the students how to prevent pain after long days of work.

During the yoga classes, students were encouraged to turn on their camera and follow the teacher in different positions with breathing exercises.

Day two ended with a cultural session in which participants were grouped into virtual rooms to get to know each other.

Each participant had to introduce themselves with five sentences, with the objective of creating engagement within the student community.

On day three, FISU's director of education and development, Lilia Barieva, and FISU education and development assistant, Olivia Margain, took to the floor.

They spoke about FISU's ongoing events and potential opportunities for involvement.

Another topic discussed was the Costa Rica 2022 FISU World Forum, while Iranian student ambassador Mahdieh Seraji spoke about her experience at the 2018 edition in Krasnoyarsk. 

A presentation on the FISU Young Reporters Programme included Matthew Barnard, who took part in the programme at the Taipei 2017 Summer Universiade.

Christophe Hugl and Kristian D'Amore presented on sports event structures, functional areas and how marketing and sponsorships work.

Egypt's student ambassador Heba Assem also spoke about what it takes to become an effective leader.

At the end of the final day, Eder congratulated all of the participants for their hard work.

FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy in 2020

The International University Sports Federation (FISU) Volunteer Leaders Academy (FVLA) is an educational event that serves as a key part of the international sports and volunteering movement. 

It is aimed at creating a global volunteering community which can share best practices and promote the virtues of teamwork, integrity, innovation and sport itself.

The 2020 edition was a first, given the COVID-19 pandemic meant it was not possible to stage an in-person event.

However, more than 400 participants from 116 National University Sports Federations were involved, covering all five Continental Federations.

The 2020 FVLA was staged online in two parts, in June and September, and 129 new FISU Student Ambassadors emerged.

The online event maintained a strong educational and cultural programme, being overseen by an Organising Committee based at the Innopolis University in Russia.

FISU President Oleg Matytsin opened the first session.

"This event is a great platform - the knowledge and experience will help you in becoming leaders of tomorrow," he told participants.

As ever, participants were encouraged to support International Day of University Sport (IDUS) - a FISU initiative endorsed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation and celebrated annually on September 20.

The FVLA typicality involves lectures, roundtable discussions and networking opportunities.

"This new online format of the event was a challenge for us," said Albina Rakhmatullina, FVLA and FISU Student Ambassadors programme coordinator.

"However, we ended up having a fantastic event.

"The end of Volunteer Leaders Academy is the beginning of the Ambassadors programme, so it is the beginning of a tall task that will be done online this year.

"The best is yet to come."

FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy in 2019

Held in the capital of youth and volunteering of Russia, the Summer Universiade city of Kazan, the 2019 edition brought together students representing 80 continental and National University Sports Federations who mastered new skills and shared experiences.

The Academy's main outcomes were volunteer programme projects and concepts for 12 World University Championships due to take place in 2020, although this programme has since been impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak.

Celebrations planned for the IDUS were another focal point on the Academy's agenda. During the seven intense and productive days, the attendees participated in various activities, including workshops, round-table discussions, contests, group projects and more.

FISU's international experts, as well as representatives of Organising Committees such as the Ekaterinburg 2023 Summer World University Games and those from the World University Championships 2020, delivered speeches at the forum. Azat Kadyrov, director general of the Directorate for Sports and Social Projects Kazan, also contributed with his expert opinion on the various projects.

Particular attention was paid to the results of the FISU Student Ambassadors' efforts during the last year. Twenty attendees of the 2018 Academy took the opportunity to return to Kazan and share best practices with their future colleagues.

"I did not expect so many people from different countries," said Poland's Tobiasz Nowacki. 

"I know FVLA is really big event but this opportunity to meet so many cultures was great.

"Working in teams during the training sessions was really amazing.

"I learnt so much about how people think and also about volunteer programmes from around the world."

FISU President Matytsin congratulated the Academy participants on the successful event, saying: "You are our future. I hope that now, after the Academy, it is becoming more and more clear to you. Your knowledge is valuable both for you and your national federations, your countries.

"We are sure that returning home, you will remain friends, and the connections you have built at the Forum, will get stronger with time.

"At FISU, we are happy to support you in what you do and make every effort possible on our part to bring university sports to a new level worldwide. 

"Take the best of everything you've been taught here with you. 

"Be true FISU family members and ambassadors."

Upon the completion of the FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy 2019, more than 80 participants who successfully completed the training were granted the status of FISU Student Ambassadors.

The FVLA was founded in 2017 by FISU and the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan. The aim of the Academy is to build a strong, vibrant volunteering community that shares opinions and best practices in the delivery of volunteer programmes, and projects supporting major sporting events.

FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy in 2018

Participants in 2018 included active athletes such as Canada's Celina Toth, a diver who competed at the 2018 Commonwealth Games in Gold Coast, and Germany's judoka-turned-triathlete Moritz Belmann.

Others included Icelandic swimmer Hrafnhildur Lúthersdóttir, who finished sixth in the 100 metres breaststroke final at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games before announcing her retirement in January 2018. 

They were joined by many other participants who are already active in university sport administration as well as successful mentors from the 2017 edition.

The week consisted of talks from top FISU officials including President Matytsin and secretary general Eric Saintrond. Other presentations were given by representatives from organisations including Education First, the Olympic Committee of Serbia, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and insidethegames, whose then senior reporter Nick Butler spoke about journalism in the modern world.

The 2018 Academy was devoted to the FISU Ambassadors Programme, one of the most ambitious and promising of FISU’s special projects. Their main role will be to serve as an important link between FISU and student communities in FISU member countries, and helping to raise awareness about FISU and university sports among students. Student Ambassadors will promote FISU/Continental University Sport Federations/National University Sport Federations events through social media and help to organise different activities throughout the year, including IDUS.  

Upon successfully completing the educational programme and presenting their projects, all participants of the Academy were awarded FISU Student Ambassador status. All of them signed a pledge to promote sports values and encourage sports practice in harmony with the university spirit.

Extra excitement was generated by the 2018 FIFA World Cup in nearby Kazan. The schedule was rearranged at short-notice so everyone present could attend the Group C clash between eventual winners France and Australia at the Kazan Arena, where they sat on the very front row!

Members of the Russia 2018 FIFA World Cup Local Organising Committee made presentations and held workshops on volunteer management. After the theory and the workshop at the venue, participants worked alongside host city volunteers for one shift, gained knowledge, had fun and exchanged experiences with each other. After their volunteering shift as host city volunteers, the future FISU Ambassadors attended the FIFA Fan Fest to feel the energy and atmosphere of the World Cup.

After the end of the educational programme, participants were given a chance to enjoy a sightseeing tour during which they became acquainted with the history and remarkable places of Kazan: the 16th century Kazan Kremlin, "City Panorama" museum and sport venues of the Summer Universiade 2013 legacy. 

The participants had a chance to visit Innopolis, a high-tech city that has its own university. They also managed to get acquainted with local traditions and manners, and celebrated one of the most well-known Tatar festivals called Sabantuy.

The performance and contributions of each participant was measured throughout the week. The ceremony was opened by student oaths - Meghan Campson of Australia gave an oath on behalf of all participants. After the awarding of certificates, 10 names of 2018 were announced. These were the most active participants who managed to stand out and earn the most points.

Two of those who impressed were Mahela Bandera from Sri Lanka and Antoine Attard from Malta, who were both selected to present the FISU Ambassadors Programme at the FISU Forum in the Russian city of Krasnoyarsk in August 2018.

Eight others attendees were selected to join the FISU staff at either the Winter Universiade in Krasnoyarsk or the Summer Universiade in Napoli, in 2019.

This group included Toth and Belmann as well as Sweden's Maja Andersson, Namibia's Abassier Leukers, Great Britain's Adam Pratchett, Australia's Meaghan Kempson, New Zealand's Kristy Havill and Poland's Katarzyna Czalej.

Argentina's Mariano Orlando and Aldana Mariana Moreano also worked at the University Sports House in Buenos Aires at the 2018 Summer Youth Olympic Games.

Testimonies from those in attendance

1) Mancini Mahadeo, Trinidad and Tobago

I was privileged to represent my country and the Tertiary Sport Association of Trinidad and Tobago at the International University Sport Federation's FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy held in Kazan, Russia. The experience was an eye opener to see the level of dedication and hard work this organisation commits to making university sports a success throughout the world. Tertiary students from all around the world were invited to be a part of the newly-launched FISU Ambassadors Programme - a programme that sees university delegates tasked with a plan to promote and enhance university sports and to spread the awareness of FISU and their projects. Today I am proud and thankful to say that I am a FISU Ambassador and will do whatever it takes, to the best of my ability, to fulfill and achieve the goals at hand.

2) Moritz Belmann, EUSA

The FISU Academy was a unique opportunity to get in touch with students from all over the world. I learned a lot about university sport in different countries on all five continents. It is impressive to see how different university sport works in the world. But we are all connected with the idea of tolerance, respect and internationality in sport. The FISU Academy was the start of a very interesting journey in university sport. I think students can build up a community and network to exchange their knowledge and experiences during their work. This is an amazing profit.

3) Zrinka Tabain, Croatia

At this year’s FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy, young representatives came from 92 countries to exchange ideas and experiences and that intercultural exchange was enriching for all of us. We had an amazing opportunity to learn from people who are experts in their fields, discussing topics such as networking, anti-doping, media and volunteer management. It was an inspiring experience and I'm looking forward to promoting university sport as a FISU Ambassador.

4) Antoine Attard, Malta

I took part in the 2018 FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy held in the beautiful city of Kazan, Russia. One-hundred-and-eleven young and inspiring individuals from 92 countries met up for the Academy to share their stories and ideas on improving university sports participation and awareness with notable speakers attending. I'm profoundly humbled and proud to be recognised for my achievements, in a ranking system, that saw me place in the top 10 participants of the Academy. All the Academy graduated as FISU Ambassadors and I presented the programme on behalf of everyone at the FISU Forum. It's enriching how in just eight days you can improve your cultural competence, networking skills and value of sport education. When the opportunity arises, just do it. 

5) Andrea Ippolito, Italy

When CUSI (my National University Sports Federation) proposed to me to go to Kazan to attend the Academy, I was very enthusiastic and honoured. The Italian participant of the first edition of the Academy told me about his experience and I really wanted to see with my own eyes the richness of this opportunity. 

When different people from every part of the world come together, in peace, sharing their experiences, the result is always very positive.

The Academy was an excellent opportunity not only to learn more about the FISU and promote its mission and university sport in general in our countries, but also to test ourselves and improve our skills and to create a network between us as FISU Ambassadors.

6) Celina Toth, Canada 

We were host city volunteers of the Russia 2018 FIFA World Cup! We had a four-hour shift where three of them were dancing and talking to guests and fans with no rest. I had a great time, learned a lot and am looking forward to sharing this experience at home. Lectures and workshops were extremely interesting, too. A special interest for me was the one brought by WADA as I am an athlete myself.  


It takes thousands of volunteers of all ages and areas of expertise to ensure the smooth running of the Universiades, World University Championships, World University Leagues and FISU education events each year.

Aimed at consolidating FISU expertise in sports volunteering, the first FISU Volunteers Academy took place in Kazan in July 2017. The event brought together leaders in sports volunteering from 170 FISU Member Associations and showed the lasting legacy of Kazan hosting Summer Universiade in 2013.

From customer services, press and communications, health services, technology, transport and Organising Committee operational support, to working behind the scenes at sport venues and at the Opening and Closing Ceremonies, volunteers are the lifeblood that make major international sports events come alive. Volunteers in all functional areas are set to benefit from the educational events and training happening at the FISU Volunteer Leaders' Academy.

This Academy is a means to help young volunteer leaders from all over the world actively contribute to the international volunteering movement. The first edition of the Academy consisted of seven days of comprehensive educational events for 18 to 27-year-old university students who had volunteering experience and were involved in volunteering activities at their university.

University professors and business coaches shared lectures and master-classes with experts from the International Olympic Committee, UNESCO, WADA and future Universiade organising committee leaders.

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How to apply for the FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy

The Academy is open for participation for 18 to 27-year-old university students. Participation in the first edition of the forum was free and organisers cover all participation expenses, including travel, accommodation and meals.

For university students looking to strengthen their candidatures for future FISU Volunteer Leaders Academies, having confirmed volunteering experience and been involved in the organisation of volunteering activities in their university are prerequisites. To apply for participation, the candidates should contact their national university sports federation. General inquiries can be sent to [email protected].

FISU more focused on education than sanctions following McLaren Report, President says

FISU more focused on education than sanctions following McLaren Report, President says

International University Sports Federation (FISU) President Oleg Matytsin has said the organisation is currently more focused on providing anti-doping education to its athletes than issuing sanctions in light of the second part of Richard McLaren’s report into Russian state-sponsored doping, which concluded that the 2013 Universiade in Kazan was used as a testing ground for sample manipulation.