Carrard takes FIFA hot seat

Carrard takes FIFA hot seat

A veteran of the International Olympic Committee (IOC)’s Salt Lake City crisis has been brought in to chair the new FIFA committee charged with drafting a package of reform proposals far-reaching enough to salvage the battered reputation of world football’s governing body.

Rio 2016 still faces problems but they are right to believe first Olympics in South America will be success

Rio 2016 still faces problems but they are right to believe first Olympics in South America will be success

Last March I came to Rio de Janeiro in what marked one of my first trips outside Europe with insidethegames. Never having been to Brazil before I was rather wowed by everything I saw, and particularly by the city’s glamour, colour and vibrancy. I was consequently rather less sceptical than perhaps I should have been about everything I was told, especially in relation to insistences they would still meet a bid-time legacy commitment to reducing water pollution levels across the city by 80 per cent.