IAAF accuses ARD and Sunday Times scientists of "seriously incorrect assertions" and condemns them for putting athletes under pressure

IAAF accuses ARD and Sunday Times scientists of "seriously incorrect assertions" and condemns them for putting athletes under pressure

The International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) has challenged what it describes as “a number of seriously incorrect assertions” by the two scientists who worked on the recent ARD television documentary alleging widespread doping malpractice in the sport between 2001 and 2012, and has condemned them for placing athletes under media pressure through their “analysis of incomplete data". 

Nick Butler: Olympic Movement should rein in its eulogising about Agenda 2020 success

Nick Butler: Olympic Movement should rein in its eulogising about Agenda 2020 success

When Tony Blair became leader of the British Labour Party in 1994 he realised that, while his two predecessors had gone some way towards modernising the party from its socialist roots, too few people believed there had been genuine change.

His remodelled “New” Labour Party thus introduced some substantial measures, but was more than anything else a rhetorical device to hammer home this symbolic break from the past.