WADA reprehends US Congress for "politicised" hearing

WADA reprehends US Congress for "politicised" hearing

Swimming icons like Michael Phelps and Allison Schmitt took the stand on Tuesday and called out the World Anti-Doping Agency for its handling of 23 positive tests from Chinese rivals prior to the Tokyo 2002 Olympics. The global watchdog lashed back on Wednesday, as global tension keeps mounting.

Global Athlete's open letter to WADA on Chinese swimmers' case

Global Athlete's open letter to WADA on Chinese swimmers' case

In light of the ongoing scandal involving 23 Chinese swimmers being allowed to compete in the Tokyo 2020 Games even after testing positive for trimetazidine, Global Athlete has sent out an open letter to the World Anti-Doping Agency stating their mistrust in the organisation and requesting transparency on the investigations taken on the swimmers’ case and actions to be taken going forward to ensure a fair playing field for all athletes. 

WADA announces Independent Observer teams for Paris

WADA announces Independent Observer teams for Paris

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has announced its Independent Observer (IO) programme teams in preparation for the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris. WADA’s IO programme is designed to enhance athlete and public confidence as to the quality, effectiveness and reliability of anti-doping programmes during the Games.