Thomas Giles Junior Reporter

Prior to joining in November 2017, Thomas worked as a freelance sports writer specialising in football. He has covered several tournaments and events including the 2017 Confederations Cup along with many Champions League and Europa League matches. Thomas is particularly interested in Russian sport and society and is a fluent Russian speaker having studied the language at the University of Nottingham as well as living in the country for several years.

Thomas Giles

Recent articles by Thomas

Sambo look to develop visually impaired events

Sambo look to develop visually impaired events

Roman Novikov, a member of the International Sambo Federation (FIAS) Commission for the Promotion of Sambo among the Disabled, has said the organisation are looking to establish a training model of the sport for visually impaired and blind children.

Thai football chief questioned by police

Thai football chief questioned by police

Football Association of Thailand (FAT) President Somyot Poompanmoung has been questioned by police regarding a 300 million baht (£7 million/$10 million/€8 million) loan from the owner of a massage parlour.