
Ancient Olympia will host the meetings of the Association of European Olympic Academies

Ancient Olympia will host the meetings of the Association of European Olympic Academies

The decision was taken by the Board of the European Olympic Academies (EOA) at the EOA Congress in Vilnius, Lithuania. The event, organised by the Lithuanian Olympic Academy (LOA), was attended by delegates from 22 European Olympic Academies, as well as representatives from the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the International Olympic Academy (IOA) and the European Olympic Committees (EOC).

Paris 2024: The capital's public transport will not be 'ready' for the Olympic Games, says Anne Hidalgo

Paris 2024: The capital's public transport will not be 'ready' for the Olympic Games, says Anne Hidalgo

The Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, stated on Wednesday, November 22, that "we will not be ready" for public transport in the capital during the 2024 Olympic Games", citing insufficient numbers and frequency of trains in certain areas. Interviewed on the Quotidien show, the Mayor of Paris mentioned "two things on which the capital o France will not be ready," namely "transport" and "shelter for the homeless."