
Football added to BT Paralympic World Cup

By Tom Degun in Manchester

February 25 - Leading Premiership footballers, including Manchester City goalkeeper Shay Given and Burnley players Wade Elliott and Michael Duff, were today on hand here to help welcome Football seven-a-side to the 2010 BT Paralympic World Cup.

Pengilly and Ruggiero elected as members of IOC

By Duncan Mackay in Vancouver

February 24 - Adam Pengilly (pictured), the world bob skeleton silver medallist, has become the fourth Briton to join the International Olympic Committee (IOC) after being elected, along with the United States ice hockey gold medallist Angela Ruggiero, as a member of the Athletes’ Commission.

Bad day for British world champions as Olympic dreams die

By Duncan Mackay in Vancouver

February 24 - Britain's last realistic hopes of adding to the Olympic gold medal won by Amy Williams in the skeleton last week disappeared when the curling team led by David Murdoch were defeated in a play-off and the two woman bobsleigh team of Nicola Minichiello and Gillian Cooke crashed.