
Ovett turns down approach from movie makers

By Steven Downes

February 18 - The BBC’s proposed film about one of the great athletics rivalries of all-time, between British milers Sebastian Coe and Steve Ovett (pictured), is going ahead despite one of the protagonists declining to co-operate with its making.

Sport England looking for new pollsters

By Steven Downes in London

February 18 - Sport England, the regional agency that is distributing £880 million of Lottery cash to encourage an additional one million people to take part in sport by 2012, has put out a new tender for an agency to measure exactly how many people are engaging in sport.

Ferry victory marred by black day for biathlon

By Duncan Mackay in Vancouver

February 16 - Biathlon leaders were embarrassed after several problems caused by officials and volunteers marred the victory in the 12.5 kilometre pursuit of Bjorn Ferry (pictured), making him the first Swedish man to claim a gold medal in the sport for 50 years.

Rudman has no safety fears about death track

By Duncan Mackay in Vancouver

February 16 - Britain's Shelley Rudman (pictured) has claimed that the changes made to the track at the Whistler Sliding Center following the tragic death last week of Georgian luger Nodar Kumaritashvili have eased her fears about whether it is safe to compete or not.