
New cable car boosts Munich 2018 Olympic bid

December 23 - Munich’s hopes of hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games in 2018 have been lifted with the opening of a new 1.5 kilometre cable car service, capable of carrying up to 2,000 passengers per hour to the pistes of Garmisch-Partenkirchen – a key location for the Munich 2018 alpine events.

New cable car boosts Munich 2018 Olympic bid

December 23 - Munich’s hopes of hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games in 2018 have been lifted with the opening of a new 1.5 kilometre cable car service, capable of carrying up to 2,000 passengers per hour to the pistes of Garmisch-Partenkirchen – a key location for the Munich 2018 alpine events.

Commonwealth Games still in danger warn CGF

December 23 - New Delhi's preparations for the 2010 Commonwealth Games has picked up pace over the last two months but the event still risks failure, according to the Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) Coordination Commission, whose full report was published today.

Commonwealth Games still in danger warn CGF

December 23 - New Delhi's preparations for the 2010 Commonwealth Games has picked up pace over the last two months but the event still risks failure, according to the Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) Coordination Commission, whose full report was published today.