Summer Sports

EWF sets up a temporary Athletes' Commission

EWF sets up a temporary Athletes' Commission

The European Weightlifting Federation has announced the formation of the EWF Temporary Athletes Commission under the new EWF Constitution. The working group, consisting of Mr. Caruana Jesmond (Chairman), Mr. Shai Oren (Legal Adviser), Mr. Osei Forrester (IWF AC Chairman), Dr Mihajlovic Milan (EWF General Secretary), Kt. Conflitti Antonio (EWF President), successfully established a procedure for EWF member federations to nominate athletes for this Commission and to present the proposal to the EWF EB and the EWF Congress.

Budapest to host 2024 EJU Congress

Budapest to host 2024 EJU Congress

The EJU's top executive - President László Toth, Senior Vice-President Otto Kneitinger, Vice-Presidents Sergei Aschwanden, Hrvoje Lindi, Secretary General Martin Poiger and General Treasurer Envic Galea - met in Budapest for a two-day Bureau meeting just in time for the start of the 2024 World and European Tour season.

European Aquatics Championships 2026 in Paris

European Aquatics Championships 2026 in Paris

The French Swimming Federation (FFN) and its public partners have been selected to host the prestigious European Aquatics Championships in Paris-St Denis in 2026. This will be the third time that France has hosted the European Aquatics Championships, following Paris in 1931 and Strasbourg in 1987.