Collecting and Heritage

My Favourite Pin Story - Jamie Narborough

Name: Jamie Narborough

From: Lewisham, London

How long have you been collecting? 4 years

How many pins do you own? 49

Jamie Narborough_-_pinWith my autistic brother and just 3 months until the Beijing 2008 Opening Ceremony, we visit an Olympic poster exhibition at the Museum of Childhood in Bethnal Green. Included in the exhibition is a display of Olympic mascots and of Olympic Pins. My brother falls to the call of the mascots, returns home and orders all 5 of the Beijing set. I however, fall to the world of pin collecting.

After enjoying 2 great weeks of sport, I turn to the laptop and come across the Beijing/London Handover Ceremony pin. This is my first purchase and I quickly decide rather than try to collect all, (as I'm a student), I wish to collect pins that are relevant to me or the ones I find most interesting.

So now, I find myself with a mixed collection that includes the limited Wenlock and Mandeville set, but also pins that portray which test events I have been to or for which events I have been lucky enough to secure tickets for.

Finally, Christmas 2011 approaches and I receive an email, one which states; 'congratulations, you have your moment to shine', I was a London 2012 Torchbearer. As I reflect on the decision, I think to myself would I have been involved enough with London 2012 to apply for this role if it was not for that very first pin I purchased nearly 4 years ago?

I now wear with pride a gold logo pin and next to it, the Wenlock Torchbearer pin, so wherever I go, I can share my passion of London 2012 - the reasons as to why I'm wearing those badges and also why pin collecting has provided me with perhaps the best perspective on the global spectacle as a whole!

My Favourite Pin Story - Matt Davison

Name: Matt Davison

From: Leeds

How long have you been collecting? 2 years

How many pins do you own? 25

Matt Davison_-_pinsI have only got into the pin collection habit in recent years as I have seen the phenomenon at first hand through my job associated London 2012.

I have been involved in some specific London 2012 projects & am also a Gamesmaker in both Olympic & Paralympics - consequently I have picked up a few unusual badges that ordinarily can't be purchased.

I have also already exchanged a few pin badges with visiting athletes & officials when I've been attending Test Events for Boccia, Handball and Athletics. I am hugely looking forward to the potential of doing the same at Games time.

My Favourite Pin Story - Matt Wilcox

Name: Matt Wilcox

From: Milton Keynes

How long have you been collecting? 3 Years

How many pins do you own? Approx 250

Matt Wilcox_-_pinsMy passion for pin collecting started during the Beijing Olympics, I'm not quite sure how it spiralled into the addiction it has become now, but I wouldn't change it.

For London 2012, I knew Honav would pull out all the stops to create a collection to be proud of, and I (we!) haven't been disappointed so far. The various takes of representing London & Great Britain have been amazing and I can't see what they come up with next.

During my short spell of pin collecting I have met some interesting people (Duncan Goodhew on the train to Westfields Stratford was my highlight), there seem to be many people over a broad range of demographics that have an interest in collecting. Maybe it's the interest in landmarks, traditions of Great Britain or the Mascot pins.

The next challenge for me....keeping up to date with all the new pins that come out!!