Nick Butler: An IOC disciple or an independent actor? Ricci Bitti reflects on key Olympic issues

Nick Butler

The mixed zone outside the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Session during August’s Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro was a hostile place. Journalists were barely bothering to hide their disgust at the IOC’s attempts to pin the blame for Russian drugs problems on the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) during the meeting and sports officials were trying their best to evade lingering press corps as they headed towards lunch.

Jaimie Fuller: What sort of man is Michael Garcia?

Jaimie  Fuller

In case you hadn’t noticed, the Garcia Report was released last week after lurking in locked drawers of desks in Zurich, Sydney, Munich and New York where the few people who were supposed to have a copy kept it. Sepp Blatter even sneaked one home from the office before he left, I’m led to understand.

Alan Hubbard: Ali oops! Mayweather and McGregor should remember the bad "Joke in Japan"

Alan Hubbard

Should the forthcoming hybrid encounter between Floyd Mayweather and Ultimate Fighting Championship superstar Conor McGregor in Las Vegas on August 26 turns out to be more farce than fight, as most anticipate, then the consolation for the fans - and combatants – is that exactly 41 years ago last week, there was a precedent involving an even more celebrated fistic figure than the Money Man.