Alan Hubbard: Coe's BOA successor no longer looks like a smooth transition

Alan Hubbard

There was a time when the raison d'etre of the old school British Olympic Association (BOA) seemed to be that the "boys and girls", as the athletes were called, marched in unison at the Opening Ceremonies of the Games and that the blazers of the copious squad of officials accompanying them were suitably pressed and brass-buttoned up. 

Nick Butler: Control or independence? A vital crossroads in the fight against doping

Nick Butler

Another week has gone by, and, as is invariably the way these days, it has brought with it another set of fresh difficulties for the International Olympic Committee (IOC). More questions have been raised by Brazilian police over what exact role the organisation played in the process to award Irish ticketing contracts, while its President, Thomas Bach, has also been criticised for his, probably connected, decision to skip the Paralympics.