Jaimie Fuller: We need leadership - in sport and society

Jaimie  Fuller

I had an interesting experience towards the end of last year. It occurred when I visited the CEO of a prominent local sporting team to brief them about SKINS' then forthcoming social marketing campaign around supporting LGBT individuals in the sporting environment, known as #RainbowLaces.

Mike Rowbottom: Tygart moves to check Russia in sport’s latest chess game as FIDE targets Trump Tower

Mike Rowbottom

Travis Tygart, head of the US Anti-Doping Agency, has written an op-ed commentary piece for the New York Times this week asserting that Russia should be “indefinitely banned” from all international sporting competition if doping allegations during the Sochi 2014 Winter Games are proven - allegations that, if substantiated, he regards as a “violation of the very essence of sport".

Jaimie Fuller: Does sport deserve autonomy?

Jaimie  Fuller

It was terrific to be part of British Prime Minister David Cameron’s Anti-Corruption Summit and have the opportunity to join the esteemed panel to talk about the scope and opportunity to address corruption issues in sport.