Nick Butler: Are Presidents too powerful in international sport?

Nick Butler

Part two of the World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA) Independent Commission report revealed a nepotistic cabal surrounding former International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) President Lamine Diack, which, instead of taking on the parasitic culture of doping eating away at the sport, reacted by bribing and extorting their way to a personal fortune.

It stuck another dagger into the already-punctured heart of athletics but also the entire structure of global sports administration.

Roald Bradstock: Has the time come for a "Super-Olympics"?

Roald  Bradstock

Are we fighting a losing battle trying to stop athletes taking performance enhancing drugs? Is cheating just so much a part of “our” collective genetic makeup that it can never be eradicated from sport? Is the only option to throw more money at it, and make the offenders criminals and put them in prison, or is there an alternative, albeit extreme option?