Mike Rowbottom: As the battle lines move back and forth, count the human cost

Mike Rowbottom

This week, in the wake of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Independent Commission report which confirmed and amplified the worst fears about systematic doping and corruption within Russian athletics- and by extension called into question the legitimacy of the overall system in which these abuses were allowed – the voices have been heard of those directly harmed within the field of competition.

Duncan Mackay: It turns out Marius Vizer was right about Lamine Diack after all

Duncan Mackay

Remember back in April at the SportAccord Convention when Marius Vizer had made himself the Olympic Movement's number one enemy following his explosive speech criticising Thomas Bach, who was it that was in the vanguard opposing this dangerous mutineer? It was Lamine Diack, then still the President of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF).

Mike Rowbottom: Fetid FIFA - and now the IAAF house needs an airing. Any thoughts, Lord Acton?

Mike Rowbottom

Like fetid fumes, bad news continues to emanate from the citadels of power in world sport - with the seemingly endless fug of the FIFA investigation now casting itself over the shoulders of the great Franz Beckenbauer, and the International Association of Athletics Federations’ ex-President Lamine Diack newly announced as being under investigation by French police and the International Olympic Committee’s Ethics Commission following allegations of corruption.